Definisi : from ~ to post, ke sana ke mari: the unfortunate refugees were driven from ~ to post in their search for somewhere to settle, pelarian-pelarian yg malang itu diarahkan pergi ke sana ke mari utk mencari tempat tinggal. (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)
Definisi : n1. tall vertical column, a. (used as a support) tiang: the roof of the portico was supported by several ~s, bumbung serambi anjung itu disokong oleh beberapa batang tiang; b. st erected in the memory of event or person, tiang: the war memorial is a tall ~ surmounted by an eagle, tugu peringatan perang itu merupakan sebatang tiang yg di atasnya tertenggek seekor helang; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)
Definisi : 2. st resembling a pillar, (of rock) berceracak; (of smoke) tegak menjulang; (of fire) menjulang: ~s of granite rock, batuan granit yg berceracak; a ~ of black smoke rose from the factory, asap hitam yg tegak menjulang naik dr serombong asap kilang tersebut; 3. strong supporter, active member, tunggak, penunjang: he is one of the ~s of the Labour Party, dia adalah salah seorang tunggak Parti Buruh; people were shocked to find out that such a ~ of society was involved, orang ramai terkejut apabila mendapati tunggak masyarakat spt itu telah terlibat; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)