Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

Definisi : break off an ~, menghentikan pertempuran; /bring an, take/ ~ against so., mengambil tindakan undang-undang thdp sso; go into ~, mula bertempur; /be, go/ out of ~, a. not in operation, rosak; b. unfit for work, tdk dapat /bekerja, bertugas/: after the accident he was out of ~ for three weeks, selepas kemalangan itu dia tdk dapat bekerja selama tiga minggu; put (st) into ~, menjalankan sst: to put a plan into ~, menjalankan rancangan; put (st) out of ~, menyebabkan sst rosak; take ~, mengambil tindakan, bertindak: the government took ~ to control the price of petrol, kerajaan mengambil tindakan utk mengawal harga petrol. (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : n 1. process or state of acting, tindakan, bertindak: an emergency that requires immediate ~, keadaan cemas yg memerlukan tindakan segera; freedom of ~, kebebasan bertindak; a man of ~, orang yg banyak bertindak; 2. act, deed, tindakan, perbuatan: to judge a man by his ~s, menilai sso drpd tindakannya; 3. movement, gerak-geri: the suspect’s every ~ was closely watched, setiap gerak-geri orang yg disyaki itu diawasi dgn teliti; 4. operation, cara [sst] berfungsi, jalannya: describe the ~ of a gear, huraikan cara gear berfungsi; 5. effect, tindakan: the ~ of acid on metal, tindakan asid atas logam; 6. (in a play, film, etc) aksi: a film full of ~, filem yg penuh aksi; 7. legal proceeding, tindakan (undang-undang): civil ~, tindakan sivil; 8. combat, pertempuran: killed in ~, terbunuh dlm pertempuran; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)
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