feeling | n 1. sense of touch, deria /sentuh, rasa/: he has lost all ~ in his left hand, dia telah kehilangan deria rasa pd tangan kirinya; 2. physical sensation, rasa: a ~ of warmth, rasa hangat; 3. emotion, perasaan: jealousy is a ~ I’ve never experienced, rasa cemburu ialah perasaan yg belum pernah saya alami; ~ of (joy, sorrow, etc) rasa (gembira, sedih, dll); 4. (in pl) sensitivity, susceptibility, perasaan: to hurt so’s ~s, melukai perasaan sso; to suppress o’s ~s, menahan perasaan; 5. sympathy, understanding, (rasa) simpati: he showed no ~ for the sufferings of others, dia tdk menunjukkan rasa simpati thdp penderitaan orang lain; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
touch | 2. (act of) tactile perception, sentuh: blind people have a highly developed sense of ~, deria sentuh orang buta tersangat baik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sense | n 1. faculty of perception, deria: the blows seem to have affected his ~ of hearing, nampaknya, pukulan itu telah meninggalkan kesan kpd deria dengarnya; ~ of smell, deria hidu; we feel pain through the ~ of touch, kita berasa sakit melalui deria sentuh; the five ~s, pancaindera; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |