hope | n harapan: while there’s life there’s ~, selagi ada hayat selama itulah ada harapan; we have every ~ of success, kita mempunyai segala harapan utk berjaya; he’s my only ~ now, hanya dia sajalah harapan saya sekarang; in the ~ /of, that/, dgn harapan (agar): he did it in the ~ that he would be rewarded, dia melakukannya dgn harapan agar dia diberi ganjaran; /give up, lose/ ~, putus asa, putus harap(an); not have a ~ in hell, (colloq) tak ada harapan langsung; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hope | raise so’s ~s, memberi sso harapan: the news raised his ~s that the children might be found, berita itu memberinya harapan bahawa anak-anaknya mungkin dapat ditemui; set o’s ~s on, a. (so., st), /meletakkan, menaruh/ harapan pd: we have set our ~s on the police being able to recover the documents, kami meletakkan harapan pd pihak polis utk mendapatkan semula dokumen-dokumen itu; b. (doing st), /meletakkan, menaruh /harapan utk: he had set all his ~s on becoming the next president, dia telah meletakkan segala harapan utk menjadi presiden berikutnya, | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fighting chance | n harapan; have a ~, masih ada harapan: the doctor said I had a ~ of recovery, menurut doktor, saya masih ada harapan utk sembuh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hopeful | adj 1. feeling hope, (berasa) ada harapan: he’s ~ of winning the contract, dia berasa dia ada harapan utk mendapat kontrak itu; 2. promising, memberikan harapan: the drop in his temperature is a ~ sign, turunnya suhu badan pesakit itu merupakan tanda yg memberikan harapan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
expectancy | n (fml) state of expecting, (penuh) harapan: the look of ~ on her face, harapan yg terbayang pd wajahnya; the crowd waited for the results in a state of ~, orang ramai menunggu keputusan itu dlm suasana penuh harapan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
despair | n (ber)putus /asa, harapan/: repeated failure has driven him to ~, krn gagal berkali-kali dia menjadi putus asa; to be filled with ~, berasa putus asa; be in ~, (ber)putus /asa, harapan/; be the ~ of, menyebabkan [sso] berasa putus /asa, harapan/, menyebabkan (ber)putus /asa, harapan/: he is the ~ of his parents, dia menyebabkan ibu bapanya berasa putus asa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
anticipation | n 1. expectation (esp pleasurable) penuh harapan: we look forward with ~ to his new book, kami menanti-nanti buku barunya dgn penuh harapan; a look of ~, pandangan yg penuh harapan; 2. intuition, premonition, gerak hati, firasat; 3. the use of funds before it is due, penggunaan [n] sebelum /memperolehnya, mendapatnya/: the ~ of income, penggunaan pendapatan sebelum memperolehnya; 4. act of foreseeing and satisfying beforehand, /menduga, menjangka/ dan memenuhi: the ~ of so’s wishes, menduga dan memenuhi kehendak sso; 5. prior action that thwarts etc the action of another, tindakan awal: the government’s ~ of the disturbances, saved many lives, tindakan awal kerajaan thdp kekacauan itu telah dapat menyelamatkan beberapa banyak nyawa; 6. (mus) dahuluan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
white hope | n orang harapan: he is the ~ of the opposition party, dia ialah orang harapan parti pembangkang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hopeful | n a. ( person who hopes for st) orang yg menaruh harapan: young ~s waited in line to be auditioned, orang-orang muda yg menaruh harapan itu beratur menunggu giliran utk diuji bakat; b. (person likely to succeed) orang yg mempunyai harapan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pious | ~ hope, harapan yg tipis: she still had the ~ hope that after all these years, he would return,dia masih mempunyai harapan yg tipis bahawa setelah bertahun-tahun berlalu, dia tetap akan pulang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |