itch | n 1. skin irritation, rasa gatal(-gatal): the lotion will soothe the ~, losyen itu akan melegakan rasa gatal; 2. strong or restless desire, longing, keinginan (yg kuat): she always has had an ~ to travel, dia memang mempunyai keinginan yg kuat utk mengembara; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
to | 6. (indic a point of contact or proximity), [various translations]: she held the glass ~ her mouth, dia memegang gelas itu rapat ke mulutnya; apply the lotion ~ the wound, sapukan losyen pd luka itu; the child was clinging ~ his mother’s hand, budak itu berpaut pd tangan ibunya; the stamp won’t stick ~ the envelope, setem itu tdk melekat pd sampul surat; they were dancing cheek ~ cheek, mereka menari dgn pipi bertemu pipi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |