shut | c. keep st away, (act.) mengasingkan sst; (pass.) sst terasing: these communities are ~ from the rest of the world by the mountains that surround them, masyarakat-masyarakat ini terasing dr dunia luar oleh gunung-gunung yg mengelilingi kampung mereka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stamp | 5. have a strong effect on, meninggalkan kesan yg mendalam pd; (on the mind, memory) tertera dlm: ideologies that have ~ed themselves on these societies, ideologi-ideologi yg telah meninggalkan kesan yg mendalam pd masyarakat-masyarakat ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
community | n 1. the public, masyarakat, komuniti: ~ development, pembangunan komuniti; ~ life, kehidupan masyarakat; in the interest of the ~, bagi kepentingan masyarakat; 2. (group of people) masyarakat, golongan: the Chinese ~ in Indonesia, masyarakat Cina di Indonesia; a village ~, masyarakat kampung; trading ~, golongan peniaga; a ~ of monks, golongan rahib; 3. group of countries working together and having common interests, komuniti: the European C~, Komuniti Eropah; 4. common ownership, pemilikan bersama: ~ of property, pemilikan bersama harta; 5. condition of sharing, (keadaan) bersama: there is no ~ of interest between the two groups, tdk ada kepentingan bersama antara dua kumpulan itu; ~ spirit, semangat muhibah; 6. (of plants, animal) komuniti. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
society | 2. particular community with shared customs and laws, masyarakat: the Malay ~, masyarakat Melayu; a multi-racial ~, masyarakat berbilang bangsa; the working class ~, masyarakat pekerja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
societal | adj masyarakat: ~ dimension, dimensi masyarakat; ~ structure, struktur masyarakat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
walk | ~ of life, /lapisan, golongan/ masyarakat: people from every ~ of life came to the assembly, manusia dr setiap lapisan masyarakat datang ke perhimpunan itu; the exhibition was seen by thousands from all ~s of life, pameran itu disaksikan oleh beribu-ribu orang dr semua lapisan masyarakat; at a ~, berjalan: the horse ambled along at a slow ~, kuda itu terus berjalan perlahan-lahan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
milieu | n persekitaran (masyarakat): I grew up in a ~ where a car was considered a luxury, saya dibesarkan di persekitaran masyarakat yg menganggap kereta sbg barang mewah; as she came from a totally different ~, she was unable to adjust to life | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
trash | 3. (US) worthless person, sampah masyarakat: they treated him like ~, mereka memperlakukannya spt sampah masyarakat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
society | n 1. people as a whole, masyarakat: drug traffickers are a danger to ~, pengedar-pengedar dadah adalah berbahaya kpd masyarakat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
commune 2 | n 1. group of people living together and sharing interests, responsibilities, masyarakat, kumpulan: the hippie ~, masyarakat hippie; 2. (administrative unit) komun. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |