excrescence | n (fml) 1. abnormal outgrowth on animal, vegetable body, ketumbuhan; 2. st that is ugly, approp n + yg hodoh: the new blocks of flats were an ugly ~ on the pleasant landscape, blok pangsapuri yg baru itu merupakan binaan yg hodoh pd pemandangan yg indah itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
abnormality | n 1. unusualness, keabnormalan, ketaknormalan, keluarbiasaan; 2. abnormal thing, feature, etc, keabnormalan: congenital abnormalities, keabnormalan bawaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
anomalous | adj 1. (gen) janggal: he was put in an ~ position by his son’s political affiliations,dia berada dlm kedudukan yg janggal disebabkan hubungan politik anak lelakinya; it seemed ~ that in a family where everyone else was short he should be so tall, nampaknya janggal dlm keluarga yg semuanya pendek, dia seorang sahaja yg tinggi; 2. (tech) beranomali: ~ absorption, penjerapan beranomali; ~ scattering, penyerakan beranomali; ~ (abnormal) retina correspondence, kesepadanan retina (abnormal) beranomali; ~ area, kawasan beranomali. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bastard | adj 1.,/b> illegitimate, haram, gampang, luar nikah; 2. abnormal, irregular in size, appearance, etc, [various translations ]: ~ sugar , gula sedang; ~ file, kikir kasar; ~ type, taip tak tara; 3. not genuine, tdk /tulen, jati, asli/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rail 1 | 4. the railway, kereta api: she always travels by ~, dia selalu naik kereta api; go off the ~s, a. (of train) tergelincir; b. (colloq) become mad, jadi miring; c. act in unusual, abnormal way, berperangai pelik: when she came back from abroad she went off the ~s and frequented the discos, apabila dia balik dr luar negeri dia berperangai pelik dan selalu mengunjungi disko; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
freak | n 1. person with strange appearance or behaviour, (orang yg) /pelik, aneh/: everyone in the family thinks she’s a ~ because she dyed her hair green, seluruh keluarganya menganggap dia pelik krn mencelup rambutnya dgn warna hijau; 2. so., st physically abnormal, (orang yg, sst yg) ganjil, keganjilan; (attrib) ganjil: a calf with five legs is a ~ of nature, anak lembu berkaki lima ialah satu keganjilan alam semula jadi; ~ carrots, lobak merah yg ganjil; 3. (colloq) nut, (orang yg) gila: my daughter is a fast-food ~, anak saya gila makanan segera; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |