monotheistic | adj monoteistik: the ~ religions, agama-agama monoteistik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
eternity | n 1. time without end, kehidupan (yg) abadi, hidup selama-lamanya: religions that promised ~, agama-agama yg menjanjikan kita kehidupan yg abadi; for all ~, selama-lamanya; 2. state or time of life after death, akhirat; 3. (colloq) seemingly endless period, menahun (lamanya): he kept me waiting for an ~, dia biarkan saya tunggu menahun lamanya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
mystical | adj 1. rel to mysticism, mistik, kebatinan: the boy was initiated into the ~ rites, budak itu diajar upacara mistik; ~ religions, agama-agama kebatinan; 2. awesome, mengagumkan, mistik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
religion | n 1. belief in, worship of a god or gods, agama: politics and ~ became the topics of their conversation, politik dan agama menjadi tajuk perbualan mereka; 2. particular system of belief, agama: the great ~s of the world, agama-agama besar di dunia; the Christian ~, agama Kristian; 3. st is a ~ /for, with/so., sso kaki sst: golf is like a ~ for him, dia kaki golf; make a ~ of, menjadikan [sst] ibadah: a woman who makes a ~ of cleanliness, perempuan yg menjadikan kebersihan ibadahnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
apostate, | n 1. so. who renounces his religion,orang yg /keluar drpd agama, meninggalkan agama/; (in Islam) orang yang murtad; 2. so. who abandons, a. (ideology, principles, etc) orang yg mengkhianati + approp n; b. (cause, party, etc) pembelot, orang yg berpaling tadah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
religious | adj 1. of religion, agama: the ~ teachings of Buddha, ajaran-ajaran agama Buddha; people with no ~ faith, orang yg tdk ada kepercayaan agama; 2. devout, warak: a ~ man, lelaki yg warak; 3. of a monastic order, ibadah: a ~ house, rumah ibadah; 4. conscientious, cermat: she is ~ in her observance of old customs, dia cermat mematuhi adat-adat lama; with ~ care, dgn cermat: she does her work with ~ care, dia membuat kerjanya dgn cermat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
predominant | adj 1. preponderant, greatest number, utama: Islam is the ~ religion in the country, agama Islam ialah agama yg utama di negara ini; green is the ~ colour of a peacock’s feathers, warna hijau ialah warna utama bulu burung merak; 2. having more power or influence, paling berpengaruh: Spain was the ~ power in Europe at the time, Sepanyol ialah kuasa yg paling berpengaruh di Eropah pd ketika itu; there can be no doubt as to who is the ~ partner, tdk dapat diragukan lagi ttg siapakah rakan kongsi yg paling berpengaruh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
unbelief | n (fml) sikap tdk percaya akan agama: his ~ caused his parents great sorrow, sikapnya yg tdk percaya akan agama membuat ibu bapanya berasa sangat sedih. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
unchristian | adj 1. contrary to Christian principles, bertentangan dgn agama Kristian: ~ attitude, sikap yg bertentangan dgn agama Kristian; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
proselytize | vt convert from another religion, memasukkan [sso] ke agama baru, menjadikan [sso] penganut baru: their attempts to ~ the inhabitants were not very successful, percubaan mereka utk memasukkan penduduk-penduduk itu ke agama baru tdk berapa berjaya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |