alignment | n 1. act of, a. (arranging in a straight line) penjajaran, penyebarisan: the ~ of the furrows was exact, penjajaran alur-alur itu betul-betul lurus; in ~, sejajar, sebaris; out of ~, tdk /sejajar, sebaris/; b. (adjusting for proper interrelationship) penjajaran: wheel ~, penjajaran roda; 2. alliance, union, penyekutuan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
scour 1 | 3. also ~ out, form by the action of running water, membentuk [sst] pd [sst] melalui proses hakis kaut: the downpour had ~ed channels through the sandbar, hujan lebat telah membentuk alur-alur pd beting pasir tersebut melalui proses hakis kaut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pipe | membuat kun alur: she ~d the collar with ricrac braid, dia membuat kun alur pd kolar dgn pita siku keluang; 8. (in cake making) memaipkan: she ~d a rosette of cream on top of the cake, dia memaipkan krim roset di atas kek itu; 9. transmit (music, broadcast, programme, etc by cable) menyalurkan: light music is ~d to all the hotel rooms, muzik ringan disalurkan ke bilik-bilik hotel; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
slot | n 1. groove in a machine etc, lubang /alur, selit/: the postman drops the mail through a ~ in the door, posmen memasukkan surat melalui lubang alur pd pintu itu; I put a coin in the ~ before dialling, saya membubuh duit syiling dlm lubang alur sebelum mendail; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
piping | 3. narrow strip of material or covered cord, kun alur: the ~ round the cushion was in a different colour, kun alur di keliling kusyen itu mempunyai warna yg berlainan; 4. sound of pipes, bunyi tiupan seruling; (bagpipes) bunyi tiupan begpaip: ~ could be heard in the distance, bunyi tiupan seruling dapat didengar dr kejauhan; 5. skill of playing pipe, permainan seruling; (bagpipes) permainan begpaip: his ~ needs improvement, permainan begpaipnya perlu diperbaik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
slot | 2. furnish with a slot, membuat lubang /alur, selit/ di: the machine ~s the heads of the screws as they pass on the conveyor belt, mesin itu membuat lubang alur di kepala skru sewaktu skru itu lalu di tali sawat penyampai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cut | 7. prune, memangkas, mencantas: the hedge should be ~ from time to time, pokok pagar itu hendaklah dipangkas dr semasa ke semasa; 8. harvest, menuai: the farmer was busy ~ting his wheat crop, peladang itu sibuk menuai tanaman gandumnya; 9. hollow out, make, membuat, mengorek; (as a result of erosion etc) menyebabkan terjadinya [sst]: to ~ a tunnel through the hill, membuat terowong menembusi bukit; the rain-water has ~ small inlets, air hujan itu telah menyebabkan terjadinya alur-alur kecil; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
slot | vt 1. put through a slot, memasukkan [sst] ke dlm lubang /alur, selit/: she ~ted coins into the piggy bank, dia memasukkan duit-duit syiling ke dlm lubang alur tabung; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
groove | n 1. long narrow cut in hard surface, alur: it is difficult to fit a sliding door back into its ~, sukar hendak memasukkan balik pintu gelangsar ke dlm alurnya; the gramophone needle is stuck in the ~ of the record, jarum gramofon itu terlekat pd alur piring hitam; 2. accustomed routine, kebiasaan, kelaziman: when one gets into a particular ~, it is difficult to change, apabila kita menjadikan sst sbg kebiasaan, agak susah utk mengubahnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
spillway | n alur limpah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |