Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

Definisi : ; ~ penak sj tumbuhan (pokok me-manjat), Ventilago oblongifolia. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata anak II

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

itI’m expecting my second child and I hope ~ will be a boy, saya mengandung anak kedua dan berharap anak dlm kandungan saya ini lelaki; the baby is now five months old; ~ has black hair and brown eyes, bayi itu berumur lima bulan; rambutnya hitam dan matanya coklat; the baby’s crying again; perhaps there’s something wrong with the milk ~ has been drinking, bayi itu menangis lagi; mungkin susu yg diminumnya tdk elok; ii. (used as obj of verb) -nya; (in pass. contruction) dia, ia, [or not translated]: we could not help wondering what would happen to the baby once ~ was born, kami tertanya-tanya apa akan terjadi pd bayi itu sebaik sahaja dia dilahirkan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
press 2 ~ into service, a. (person) i. (mil) mengerah [sso] berkhidmat dlm tentera: during the Japanese occupation many locals were ~ed into the military service, semasa zaman pendudukan Jepun ramai anak tempatan dikerah berkhidmat dlm tentera; ii. (work) memaksa [sso] bekerja: the whole family were ~ed into service at the shop during the holidays, semua ahli keluarga itu dipaksa bekerja di kedai itu semasa cuti; b. (machinery, vehicles, etc) terpaksa digunakan: all available transportation were ~ed into service to evacuate the flood victims, semua kenderaan yg ada terpaksa digunakan utk mengangkut mangsa-mangsa banjir.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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