award | n 1. st conferred, bestowed, a. (prize) hadiah: his horse was given the highest ~ in the show, kudanya diberi hadiah tertinggi dlm pertunjukan itu; b. (honour) anugerah; (given by head of state) anugerah, kurnia(an): the National Literary A~, Anugerah Sastera Negara; c. (grant) hadiah bantuan: a postgraduate ~, hadiah bantuan ijazah lanjutan; 2. decision made by judge, arbitrator, award: to set aside an ~, mengetepikan sst award; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
honours list | n senarai penerima anugerah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blue-ribbon | n 1. highest distinction, anugerah tertinggi; 2. first prize in a competition, hadiah pertama. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
recognition | in ~ of, as a ~ of, sbg tanda menghargai: an award in ~ of his services, anugerah sbg tanda menghargai jasanya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
endowment | n 1. act, process of endowing, pembiayaan; 2. (usu in pl)money, property etc received, biaya; 3. (usu in pl), (fml) natural talent or quality, kurniaan, anugerah: very few women are born with such ~s, hanya segelintir wanita yg lahir dgn anugerah spt itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
posthumous | adj a. (of literary work etc) published after its writer’s death, selepas mati; b. (of an action, reputation, etc) arising, continuing after death, anumerta: a ~ award for bravery, anugerah anumerta krn keberanian; c. (of a child) born after the death of the father, posthumus. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
prestigious | adj 1. having high status, berprestij: the most ~ position in the public service,jawatan yg paling berprestij dlm perkhidmatan awam; 2. conferring or recognizing high status, unggul, ulung: a very ~ literary award, anugerah sastera yg unggul. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bow1 | vt 1. bend the head or body, menundukkan: they ~ed their heads in prayer, mereka menundukkan kepala semasa berdoa; 2. express by bowing, tunduk sbg tanda [sst]: the recipient of the award ~ed his thanks, penerima anugerah itu tunduk sbg tanda terima kasih; to ~ o’s consent, tunduk utk menandakan persetujuan; 3. cause to bend, (act.) melenturkan; (pass.) melentur: the gale ~ed the trees, angin kencang melenturkan pohon-pohon itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rocket | vi 1. also ~ up, increase rapidly, naik menjulang, meningkat: oil prices are ~ing up, harga minyak naik menjulang; 2. rise rapidly, meningkat: he ~ed to fame after winning the award, dia meningkat menjadi masyhur selepas memenangi anugerah itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
indeed | b. (confirming a supposition, hypothesis) memang: Churchill had predicted that Hitler’s policy would lead to war and that was ~ what happened, Churchill telah meramalkan bahawa dasar Hitler akan menyebabkan berlakunya peperangan dan memang itulah yg terjadi; 2. (used to add a further statement to a point one has just made in order to strengthen it) malah, bahkan: I was surprised, ~ delighted, to learn that he had won the award, saya terkejut, malah sangat gembira apabila mendapat tahu bahawa dia telah memenangi anugerah itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |