origin | n 1. source, asal; (of river etc) punca; (of quarrel, unrest, etc) punca: to trace the ~ of a word, mengesan asal sst perkataan; the ~s of ancient civilization, asal tamadun kuno; be of...~, berasal dr...: the word is of Chinese ~, perkataaan itu berasal dr bahasa Cina; has its ~ in, (of river) punca [sungai] di; (quarrel, unrest) berpunca drpd: the river has its ~ in the mountains, punca sungai itu di gunung tersebut; 2. parentage, birth, keturunan; country of ~, negara asal; of...~, berketurunan, berasal...: a man of humble ~s, lelaki yg berketurunan rendah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
derivation | n 1. obtaining (from a source) pemerolehan; (chem) penerbitan: the ~ of a myth from an icon, pemerolehan mitos drpd ikon; 2. origin, source, berasal: words of Sanskrit ~, perkataan-perkataan yg berasal drpd perkataan Sanskrit; he claimed ~ from French stock, dia mengakui dia berasal drpd keturunan Perancis; 3. (ling) a. process of word formation, proses penerbitan kata; b. etymology, asal-usul; 4. (chem & math), (process) penerbitan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |