atmosphere | n 1. gaseous mass surrounding heavenly body, atmosfera; 2. air, climate (in any place) udara: the ~ in the store-room is rather stuffy, udara dlm bilik stor itu agak pengap; 3. pervading feeling, mood, suasana: an ~ of poverty and decadence, suasana kemiskinan dan kemerosotan hidup; the ~ in the room was very tense, suasana di bilik itu sangat tegang; 4. prevailing mood of creative work, suasana; 5. enviroment typical of a given place, period, etc, suasana: the ~ of a Chinatown, suasana pekan Cina; the ~ of Victorian England, suasana zaman Victoria di England; 6. any local gaseous environment, medium, atmosfera; 7. individual effect (usu exotic) suasana istimewa: this restaurant certainly has ~, ada suasana istimewa di restoran ini. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
upper atmosphere | n atmosfera atas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
atmospheric(al) | adj atmosfera. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
disturbance | atmospheric ~s, gangguan atmosfera; 3. breach of public peace, kekacauan: several political ~s during the campaign, beberapa kekacauan politik semasa kempen itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
atmospheric pressure | n tekanan atmosfera. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
haziness | n 1. state of being covered with haze, keadaan berjerebu: a ~ in the atmosphere, keadaan berjerebu di atmosfera; 2. cloudiness, mistiness, kekaburan: ~ of vision, kekaburan penglihatan; 3. vagueness, obscureness, kekaburan, kesamaran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
re-entry | n 1. act of returning to, kemasukan semula: its ~ into the UN, kemasukan semula negara itu ke dlm PBB; 2. return (of spacecraft) masuknya semula [kapal angkasa]: a smooth ~ into the earth’s atmosphere, masuknya semula kapal angkasa dgn lancar ke dlm atmosfera bumi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pressure | n 1. force exerted by one body on another by its weight, tekanan: any ~ on the affected area causes pain, sebarang tekanan pd kawasan yg sakit itu menyebabkan rasa sakit; ~ from the steam moves the locomotive, tekanan drpd wap menggerakkan kepala kereta api itu; 2. strength or amount of this force, tekanan: a barometer measures atmospheric ~, barometer menyukat tekanan atmosfera; his blood ~ is low, tekanan darahnya rendah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
burn | ~ up, a. flare up, memarak, menjadi marak: put on some more wood so that the fire will ~ up, bubuh kayu lagi supaya api itu memarak; b. (of a rocket) be destroyed by great heat, terbakar: the spacecraft ~ed up when it reentered the earth’s atmosphere, kapal angkasa itu terbakar apabila masuk semula ke atmosfera bumi; ~ st up, see vt (sense 1.); | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
always | adv 1. everytime, selalu, sentiasa: she’s ~ complaining about her health, dia selalu bersungut ttg kesihatannya; 2. at all times, sentiasa, selamanya: the sun ~ sets in the west, matahari sentiasa terbenam di sebelah barat; carbon dioxide is ~ present in the atmosphere, karbon dioksida sentiasa ada di dlm atmosfera; 3. in all cases, semuanya: this species ~ has webbed feet, spesies ini semuanya mempunyai kaki yg berkulit renang; 4. in any case, [not translated]: if you don’t feel well, you can ~ take the day off, kalau kamu berasa tdk sihat kamu boleh bercuti; 5. forever, sentiasa, selama-lamanya: I shall ~ remember your kindness, saya akan sentiasa mengenang budi baikmu; for ~, (colloq) utk selama-lamanya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |