resource | inner ~, azam, tekad: she has great inner ~s which should see her through this ordeal, dia mempunyai azam yg kuat yg membuatnya berjaya menempuh pengalaman pahit ini; be left to o’s own ~s, approp v + /bergantung, berharap/ pd diri sendiri: when the last child married and left home, she was left to her own ~s, apabila anak bongsunya berkahwin dan berpindah rumah, dia hidup dgn bergantung pd diri sendiri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
purposeful | adj resolute, determined, penuh azam, tekad: he was a ~ man, who couldn’t easily be distracted, dia orang yg tekad dan tdk mudah dialihkan perhatiannya; he strode into the room with a ~ air, dia berjalan masuk ke dlm bilik itu dgn gaya yg penuh azam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
resolve | n determination, azam, keazaman: nothing will change my ~ in this matter, tdk ada apa-apa pun yg dapat mengubah keazamannya dlm hal ini; make a ~, berazam: he made a ~ not to drink, dia berazam utk tdk minum arak lagi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
swerve | never ~ from o’s /determination, resolution/, tetap dgn /azam, resolusi/ sso. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
resolution | n 1. resoluteness, ketegasan, tegas: a man of great ~, orang yg sangat tegas; he showed a lack of ~, dia tdk menampakkan ketegasan; 2. st determined on, azam, resolusi: his New Year ~ was to get married, azam Tahun Barunya ialah hendak berkahwin; he made a ~ to give up smoking, dia berazam utk meninggalkan tabiat merokok; 3. formal decision at a meeting, conference, ketetapan, resolusi: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
determination | n 1. act of settling, fixing, penentuan, penetapan, pemutusan, memutuskan: the ~ of company policy, penentuan dasar syarikat; 2. resolve, azam, keazaman, tekad: her ~ to achieve high goals in life, azamnya utk mencapai matlamat tinggi dlm hidup; 3. firmness of character, penuh /azam, keazaman, tekad/: women of great courage and ~, wanita-wanita yg berani dan penuh keazaman. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
iron | adj 1. unyielding, /kukuh, sangat kuat, teguh/; (of discipline) keras: an ~ will, azam yg kukuh; 2. strong, robust, kuat: an ~ constitution, resam tubuh yg kuat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
steely | 3. strong, grim, kuat: there was a ~ determination behind that modesty, di balik sifat merendah dirinya, dia mempunyai azam yg kuat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
constancy | n 1. quality of being firm or unchanging, ketetapan; (tech) kemalaran: ~ of purpose, ketetapan azam; 2. faithfulness, kesetiaan: he had expected ~ from his wife, dia mengharapkan kesetiaan drpd isterinya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
point | 10. use, advantage, guna, faedah: there is no ~ in making resolutions if you don’t follow them, tidak ada gunanya membuat azam jika kamu tdk berusaha utk mencapainya; 11. (in sports and games) unit of scoring, mata, poin: Yuri received the highest ~s for his performance on the parallel bars, Yuri mendapat mata tertinggi krn persembahannya di atas palang selari; 12. (in pl), (ballet) tips of the toes, hujung jari kaki: she stood on her ~s and did a pirouette, dia berdiri di atas hujung jari kakinya lalu berpusing | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |