scene | a love ~, babak asmara; one of the moving ~s in the film, salah satu babak yg mengharukan dlm filem itu; the ~ opens in a restaurant in Singapore, adegan itu bermula di sebuah restoran di Singapura; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sequence | 3. (in film) babak: the censors cut the ~ shot in the hotel room, penapis filem memotong babak yg penggambarannya dibuat di bilik hotel itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
interest | 2. quality exciting such desire, minat: money and fame had no ~ for him, wang dan kemasyhuran tdk menarik minatnya; this matter is of great ~ to the group, perkara ini sangat menarik minat kumpulan tersebut; st of ~, sst yg menarik: is there anything of ~ in the paper?, ada apa-apa yg menarik dlm surat khabar?; add ~ to st, menjadikan sst bertambah menarik: intrigues and steamy scenes add ~ to the play, rancangan jahat dan babak-babak yg menghairahkan menjadikan lakonan itu bertambah menarik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
take | ~ up, continue, bersambung: Part III ~s up where the last part left off, Babak III bersambung dr tempat babak akhir berhenti; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
explicit | adj 1. clearly expressed, eksplisit, (sangat) jelas; (of person) eksplisit, berterus-terang: he gave ~ instructions that no one should be allowed in, dia memberikan arahan yg eksplisit bahawa tdk sesiapa pun boleh dibenarkan masuk; the regulation is quite ~ regarding this matter, peraturan ttg perkata ini adalah eksplisit; the director was ~ about why he opposed the scheme, pengarah itu eksplisit ttg sebab-sebab dia menentang rancangan tersebut; 2. graphically detailed, eksplisit: children should not be allowed to watch the film as it has some sexually ~ scenes, kanak-kanak tdk patut dibenarkan menonton filem itu krn filem itu mengandungi babak-babak seks yg eksplisit. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
scene | n 1. a. subdivision of a play, opera, adegan: Act 2, ~ 1, Babak 2, adegan 1; b. (in film, play, etc) single action happening in one particular place, adegan, babak: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
proportion | babak kedua panjang berbanding dgn lakonan itu pd keseluruhannya; in ~ /to, with/, at the same rate, seimbang dgn: output increases in ~ to the number of workers hired, peningkatan pengeluaran seimbang dgn bilangan pekerja yg diupah; many towns flourished in ~ with the growth of industry, banyak bandar bertambah maju seimbang dgn perkembangan industri; the height of the ceiling is not in ~ to the area of the floor, tinggi siling itu tdk seimbang dgn keluasan lantai; out of ~, tdk seimbang; out of ~ to, | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cliff-hanger | n (colloq) babak tergantung. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
movement | 7. (of bowels) a. (act) buang air besar: regular bowel ~s, buang air besar secara tetap; b. (faeces) najis; 8. (mus) babak: the first ~ of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony, babak pertama Simf | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
shift | in the second act the scene ~s to a hotel in Cannes, dlm babak kedua adegannya beralih ke sebuah hotel di Cannes; his interest has now ~ed to stamp collecting, minatnya sekarang sudah beralih kpd pengumpulan setem pula; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |