bait | n baize. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bait | n (lit. & fig.) umpan: to use worms as ~, menggunakan cacing sbg umpan; she was used as ~ to trap the kidnappers, dia digunakan sbg umpan utk memerangkap penculik itu; /rise to, swallow/ the ~, memakan umpan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bait | vt 1. put bait on, in (st) membubuh umpan /pd, di dlm/: to ~ a hook with worms, membubuh umpan cacing pd mata kail; to ~ a mousetrap, membubuh umpan di dlm perangkap tikus; 2. torment, tease (person) menyeksa jiwa: the older students ~ed the new ones unmercifully, penuntut lama menyeksa jiwa penuntut baru tanpa belas kasihan; 3. harrass (chained animal) with dogs, menyeksa: the dogs were let loose to ~ the chained bear, anjing-anjing itu dilepaskan utk menyeksa beruang yg dirantai. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
nibble | n 1. (at bait) dikutil, digigit-gigit: when he felt a ~ at the bait he pulled in the line, apabila dia terasa umpan itu dikutil dia menarik tali pancing; 2. small amount of food, makan sedikit: I only had a ~ for lunch, saya hanya makan sedikit sewaktu makan tengah hari tadi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
byte | n bait. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
slimy | ~ worms were used as bait, cacing-cacing yg lembik dan melekit digunakan sbg umpan; they found it hard to keep their footing on the ~ stepping stones, mereka mendapati sukar utk berpijak pd batu loncatan yg licin berlumut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bend | the rod bent suddenly as the fish took the bait, tiba-tiba joran itu melentur apabila umpan dimakan ikan; 2. (of tree branch) a. become curved upwards, melentur; b. become curved downward, melendut; 3. sag, melendut: the plank bent when he trod on it, papan itu melendut apabila dipijaknya; 4. become crooked, a. (of flexible things) melentur, membengkok, menjadi bengkok: copper wire ~s easily, dawai tembaga mudah melentur; b. (of part of body) membengkokkan: my arm won’t ~, saya tdk dapat membengkokkan tangan saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lure | vt entice, (act.) memikat, menggoda; (pass.) terpikat, tergoda; (with bait) mengumpan; (into prostitution etc) terjebak: the window display will certainly ~ people into the shop, barang-barang yg dipamerkan di cermin itu pasti akan memikat orang utk masuk ke dlm kedai; many people have been ~d to the gold fields in the hope of making a fortune, ramai yg tergoda utk melombong emas bagi memperoleh kekayaan; he was ~d into a back street where he was attacked by thugs, dia diumpan supaya pergi ke lorong belakang dan di situlah dia diserang oleh samseng-samseng; girls are often ~d into prostitution by syndicates, gadis-gadis sering terjebak dlm pelacuran oleh sindiket; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
unreel | vi become unwound, terurai: the line ~s when the fish takes the bait, tali kail itu terurai apabila umpan dimakan ikan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
tighten | vi menegang; (of lips) mengetap: the line ~ed as the fish took the bait, tali kail itu menegang apabila umpan dimakan ikan; his muscles ~ed as he lifted the weight, ototnya menegang semasa dia mengangkat pemberat itu; her lips ~ed with annoyance, bibirnya mengetap krn jengkel; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |