buccaneer | n lanun, bajak laut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ploughshare, (US) plowshare | nmata /bajak, tenggala/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
plough | n 1. farming tool with sharp blades,bajak, tenggala, luku; 2. land that has been ploughed,tanah berbajak; under the ~, utk bercucuk tanam: he has a large acreage under the ~,dia mempunyai berekar-ekar tanah utk bercucuk tanam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stone | n 1. non-metallic mineral matter, rock, batu: the ~ broke the plough, batu itu telah menyebabkan bajak tersebut patah; an old, ~ church, sebuah gereja batu yg sudah tua; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beam | n 1. horizontal structural support, a. (of floor) rasuk; b. (of roof) alang (bumbung); c. (of bridge) galang (jambatan); d. (in ship) pelancar; 2. cylindrical roller in loom, gelendong, kumparan; 3. main timber of plough, kayu /bajak, tenggala/; 4. bar of balance, batang (dacing); 5. breadth of ship, lebar kapal, lebar(nya); 6. ray, column (of light) pancaran, sinaran, sorotan: a ~ of light, pancaran cahaya; to lower the ~ of the headlights, merendahkan pancaran lampu besar (kereta); high ~, /suluh, sinar/ tinggi; /suluh, sinar/ rendah; 7. radio signal, alur radio; 8. radiant smile, senyum(an) yg berseri-seri; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
anachronism | n 1. error in chronology, anakronisme: Shakespeare’s plays contain many ~s, drama-drama Shakespeare mengandungi banyak anakronisme; 2. so., st, out of harmony with the time, ketinggalan (zaman): she is a living ~ in this age of progress, dia ketinggalan dlm zaman yg serba maju ini; the plough now seems an ~, bajak sudah ketinggalan zaman. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |