velvety | adj 1. soft and smooth like velvet, lembut dan licin spt baldu; (of eyes) lembut: the ~ skin of babies, kulit bayi yg lembut dan licin spt baldu; the ~ petals of the rose, kelopak-kelopak mawar yg lembut dan licin spt baldu; her ~ eyes and winning smile, matanya yg lembut dan senyumnya yg menggoda; 2. soft and without sharpness, lembut dan lemak: a ~ voice, suara yg lembut dan lemak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
velveteen | n kain macam baldu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
velvet | n (fabric), (kain) baldu; an iron hand in a ~ glove, kekerasan di sebalik kelembutan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
touch | 3. feel, rasa: the velvety ~ of the petal, rasa kelopak bunga yg spt baldu; the soothing ~ of warm water, rasa air panas yg menyegarkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sensuality | n 1. state of being sensual, a. (pertaining to the body or the senses) rasa sensual: the ~ of soft velvet, rasa sensual baldu yg lembut; b. (by being suggestive of sexuality) penuh ghairah, mengghairahkan: the ~ of her walk, jalannya yg mengghairahkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
background | ~ music, muzik latar; against a ~ of, a. (when in contact with the background) dgn berlatarbelakangkan: the diamond glittered against the ~ of black velvet, berlian itu berkilauan dgn berlatarbelakangkan baldu hitam; b. (when not in contact with the background), (dgn) berlatarbelakangkan sst: a house built against a ~ of mountains, rumah yg berlatarbelakangkan gunung-ganang; c. (fig.) dgn [sst] sbg latar belakangnya, dgn berlatarbelakangkan: the elections took place against a ~ of inflation and unemployment, pilihan raya itu berlangsung dgn inflasi dan pengangguran sbg latar belakangnya; /be, keep, remain, stay/ in the ~, /menyisihkan, memencilkan/ diri; push /so., st/ into the ~, /mengetepikan, mengesampingkan/ /sso, sst/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
resplendent | adj gemilang: the ~ colours of the sunset, warna-warna gemilang pd waktu matahari terbenam; the peers, ~ in red velvet and ermine, walked slowly in procession behind the King, orang-orang bangsawan yg berpakaian baldu merah dan baju bulu ermin yg gemilang, berjalan perlahan-lahan di belakang raja dlm perarakan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
show | he loves to ~ off how well he can swim, dia suka menunjuk-nunjuk betapa pandai dia berenang; b. set st off, menyerlahkan sst: the deep blue velvet should ~ off the beauty of the diamond necklace, baldu biru tua itu seharusnya menyerlahkan kecantikan kalung berlian itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pad 1 | n 1. soft material used for protection, warmth, etc, pad: the doctor put a gauze ~ over the wound, doktor membubuh pad kasa pd luka itu; the coat had ~s in the shoulders, kot itu ada pad pd bahunya; he polished the table with a velvet ~, dia menggilap meja itu dgn pad baldu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cut | b. (by splitting, halving) membelah: to ~ wood, membelah kayu; to ~ the apples into halves, membelah dua epal-epal itu; c. (by slicing) menghiris: ~ the onions and fry until golden brown, hiris bawang dan goreng hingga kuning; d. (with scissors) memotong, menggunting: to ~ velvet, memotong kain baldu; e. (with saw) menggergaji; f. (with axe) mengapak; 3. also ~ down, fell, menebang: to ~ the old rubber trees, menebang pokok getah tua; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |