cockscomb | n 1. comb of a cock, balung ayam; 2. (plant) pokok balung ayam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crest | n 1. tuft on bird’s head, jambul, gombak; 2. cockscomb, balung; 3. plume (formally worn on top of helmet) jambu-jambu; 4. top, highest point, ridge, a. (of hill, mountain, etc) puncak, kemuncak, mercu; b. (of wave) puncak; (ride) on the ~ of the wave, (berada) di puncak kejayaan; c. (of roof) rabung; 5. (design, emblem) gencana: the family ~, gencana keluarga; 6. (anat) kresta; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wattle | n 1. interlacing of thin sticks between thicker perpendiculars, sasak: the walls of the shed were made of ~, dinding pondok itu dibuat drpd sasak; 2. red flesh growing on some birds, (on the head) balung; (hanging from the throat) pial. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
comb | n 1. device for combing hair, sikat, sisir; 2. tool, machine, for separating, tidying wool, cotton, etc, sisir, sikat; 3. see CURRY-COMB; 4. see HONEYCOMB; 5. (of fowl, bird) balung; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
spiky | adj 1. having sharp points, runcing; (of hair, crest, etc) tercacak-cacak: long ~ thorns, duri-duri yg panjang dan runcing; she despaired of her coarse, ~ hair, dia susah hati krn rambutnya kasar dan tercacak-cacak; the lizard had a ~ crest, cicak itu mempunyai balung yg tercacak-cacak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |