barometer | n (lit. & fig.) barometer: the ~ of social trends, barometer aliran sosial. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
aneroid barometer | n barometer aneroid. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
denote | vt 1. indicate, menandakan: a falling barometer ~s an approaching storm, penunjuk barometer yg menurun menandakan ribut akan melanda; 2. be a symbol of, melambangkan: “ x” ~s an unknown quantity, melambangkan kuantiti yg tdk diketahui; 3. mean, bererti, mempunyai makna: “mono” may ~ “one” or “single”, “mono” boleh bererti “satu” atau “tunggal”. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
steadiness | 2. condition of being not fluctuating, ketetapan, kestabilan: the ~ of the barometer indicates settled weather, ketetapan bacaan barometer menunjukkan keadaan cuaca yg stabil. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
glass | n 1. hard, transparent substance, kaca: a fruit bowl made of ~, mangkuk buah-buahan yg dibuat drpd kaca; 2. st made of glass, a. (drinking vessel) gelas; b. (mirror) cermin, kaca muka; c. (barometer) barometer: the ~ is falling, barometer itu menurun; 3. contents of a glass, gelas: I’ll have another ~ of whisky, please, tolong beri saya segelas wiski lagi; 4. glassware collectively, barang(-barang) kaca: all the ~ and china has been put away, semua barang kaca dan tembikar itu telah disimpan; 5. protective cover, cermin: when he broke the ~ of the display case an alarm went off, apabila dia memecahkan cermin almari kaca itu, penggera berbunyi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
barometric(al) | adj barometer. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
barometric pressure | n tekanan barometer. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pressure | n 1. force exerted by one body on another by its weight, tekanan: any ~ on the affected area causes pain, sebarang tekanan pd kawasan yg sakit itu menyebabkan rasa sakit; ~ from the steam moves the locomotive, tekanan drpd wap menggerakkan kepala kereta api itu; 2. strength or amount of this force, tekanan: a barometer measures atmospheric ~, barometer menyukat tekanan atmosfera; his blood ~ is low, tekanan darahnya rendah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
index | n 1. (alphabetical list at back of book) indeks; 2. (in library science) collection of cards that list titles of books etc, indeks; 3. sign, tanda: the result of the by-election could well be an ~ of the party’s popularity, keputusan pilihan raya kecil mungkin merupakan tanda kepopularan parti itu; 4. indicator (on dial, barometer, etc) jarum (penunjuk); 5. number, ratio, that indicates relative level of prices or wages which can be compared to a former level, indeks: the cost of living ~ rose abruptly, indeks kos sara hidup naik secara mendadak; economic indices, indeks ekonomi; 6. (math) indeks: ~ notation, tatatanda indeks; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |