so | I hope ~!, let us hope ~!, harap-harap begitulah, mudah-mudahan (begitulah); is that ~?, ya(kah)?, begitukah?, betul(kah)?: “This fort was built in 1726.” “Is that ~?”, “Kubu ini dibina dlm tahun 1726.” “Yakah?”; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
size 1 | that’s about the ~ of it, kira-kira begitulah keadaannya: the banks will not give us any more loans and that’s about the ~ of it, bank-bank tdk akan memberi kami pinjaman lagi, kira-kira begitulah keadaannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cookie | n (US) biskut; that’s the way the ~ crumbles, (colloq) begitulah keadaannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
so | Canberra is a boring place, ~ my friends tell me, Canberra ialah tempat yg membosankan, menurut kawan-kawan saya or begitulah kata kawan-kawan saya; the drug has the effect, ~ the inventor claims, of inhibiting the desire to smoke, kesan dadah ini dapat menghalang keinginan merokok, demikianlah yg didakwa oleh penciptanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
seem | “ He’s not going to be here in time.” “So it ~s”, “Dia tdk akan tiba tepat pd waktunya.” “Begitulah nampaknya”; there ~s to be some difficulty about his transfer, nampaknya ada masalah ttg pertukarannya; you ~ to know everyone worth knowing, nampaknya kamu kenal semua orang yg patut dikenali; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
phrase | vt 1. express in word form, mengungkapkan: that was exactly how she ~d it, begitulah cara dia mengungkapkannya; I would suggest that you ~ it differently, saya cadangkan kamu mengungkapkannya dgn cara yg berbeza; 2. (mus) merangkaikan lagu: notice how the composer has ~d the passage, lihat bagaimana cara penggubah itu merangkaikan lagu bahagian tersebut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
believe | vi percaya: to ~ in God, percaya kpd Tuhan; she ~s in moderation, dia percaya akan kesederhanaan; she is happy? I ~ so, bahagiakah dia? Saya percaya begitulah; Mr. ..., I ~, /kalau tak salah, saya kira/ tuan ini...: Mr. Veerapan, I ~?, kalau tak salah, tuan ini En. Veerapan?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
so | 11. (usu at beginning of reply agreeing with or confirming previous statement) begitu(lah); (indic surprise) o ya!, ya tak ya!: “The roof was blown off our house.” “S~ I heard”, “Bumbung rumah kami diterbangkan angin.” “Begitulah yg saya dengar”; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
so | 8. (used in the middle or at the end of a statement to introduce a citation of its source) begitu(lah), menurut, demikian(lah): Frederick – ~ the story continues – forgot to lock the door and the dogs got out, Frederick – begitulah ceritanya selanjutnya – lupa mengunci pintu dan anjing-anjing pun terlepas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
way | /that, this/ ~, dgn cara /itu, ini/: they like to flatter her; that ~ they please her, mereka suka memujinya; dgn cara itu mereka menyenangkan hatinya; he has taken on a job. That ~ he can support himself, dia sudah pun bekerja. Dgn cara itu, dia dapat menyara dirinya; /that, as/ is the ~, memang begitulah caranya: she is always complaining. That is the ~ with her, dia selalu merungut. Memang begitulah caranya; the other ~ (a)round, bukan sebaliknya: it was you who asked me, not the other ~ round, kamulah yg menyuruh saya, bukan sebaliknya; to my ~ of thinking, pd /pendapat, fikiran/ saya: to my ~ of thinking the solution to the problem is easy enough, pd fikiran saya, penyelesaian kpd masalah itu cukup mudah; under ~, a. (of ship) in motion, belayar: the ship was already under ~ when they arrived at the harbour, kapal itu telah pun belayar sewaktu mereka tiba di pelabuhan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |