veteran | n 1. ex-serviceman, bekas perajurit: the ~s of the Vietnam war, bekas-bekas perajurit perang Vietnam; 2. oldhand, veteran: a ~ of the Malaysian football team, seorang veteran pasukan bola sepak Malaysia. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blemished | adj 1. cacat: ~ by small-pox, cacat bekas-bekas cacar; 2. (fig.) tercela, tercemar: a ~ reputation, nama baik yg tercela. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rub | ~ st out, memadamkan sst: he ~bed out the pencil marks in the book, dia memadamkan bekas-bekas pensel dlm buku itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
vestige | n 1. trace or visible sign left by st vanished or lost, bekas, sisa(-sisa): the last ~s of a prehistoric civilization, bekas-bekas terakhir peradaban prasejarah; 2. (usu with negative) minute amount, sekelumit: she scrubbed and polished until not a ~ of dirt remained, dia menyental dan menggilap sehingga tdk ada sekelumit kotoran pun yg tinggal; there is not a ~ of humour in the entire book, tdk ada sekelumit jenaka pun dlm seluruh buku itu; 3. (anat) vestij. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
find | b. become independent, (dapat) berdikari: the organization helps ex-convicts to ~ their feet again, organisasi itu membantu bekas-bekas banduan utk berdikari semula; c. become confident in new surroundings, (mula) bertapak: I’ve only been here for a few weeks so I’m still ~ing my feet, saya di sini baru beberapa minggu, jadi saya masih belum bertapak lagi; ~ it in /os, o’s heart/, (to do st), (force os to do st) memujuk hati, memaksa diri; (bear to do st) tergamak, sampai hati: we ought to be able to ~ it in ourselves to forgive our enemies, kita sepatutnya dapat memujuk hati utk memaafi musuh kita; he had always worked very well and McGregor could not ~ it in his heart to dismiss him, dia sentiasa bekerja dgn baik dan McGregor tdk sampai hati utk memecatnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dent | vt 1. melekukkan; (metallic surface) mengemikkan, memesukkan: the tracks of horses’ hoofs ~ed the road, bekas-bekas tapak kaki kuda melekukkan permukaan jalan itu; 2. (fig.) menjejaskan: nothing will ~ his self-esteem, tiada apa yg dapat menjejaskan harga dirinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
leave 1 | 9. also ~ behind, (lit. & fig.) result in, meninggalkan: the paint left stains on the floor, cat itu meninggalkan bekas-bekas di lantai; the break-up of the marriage left behind emotional scars that took a long time to heal, perceraian itu meninggalkan kesan-kesan emosi yg sukar hendak sembuh; 10. entrust, menyerahkan: he left the decision to the committee, dia menyerahkan keputusan itu kpd jawatankuasa; ~ it to me, I’ll organize the party, serahkan majlis itu pd saya, saya akan mengaturnya; ~ it to God, berserah kpd Tuhan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
leave 1 | 9. also ~ behind, (lit. & fig.) result in, meninggalkan: the paint left stains on the floor, cat itu meninggalkan bekas-bekas di lantai; the break-up of the marriage left behind emotional scars that took a long time to heal, perceraian itu meninggalkan kesan-kesan emosi yg sukar hendak sembuh; 10. entrust, menyerahkan: he left the decision to the committee, dia menyerahkan keputusan itu kpd jawatankuasa; ~ it to me, I’ll organize the party, serahkan majlis itu pd saya, saya akan mengaturnya; ~ it to God, berserah kpd Tuhan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
swell | 5. (of emotion) grow in intensity, [various translations]; (of hope) membumbung, meninggi: his guilt ~ed at the sight of the bruises on the child’s body, rasa bersalahnya memuncak melihat bekas-bekas lebam pd tubuh anak itu; pride ~ed within me as I read the citation, saya berasa penuh bangga apabila membaca kata-kata pujian itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
vessel | n 1. ship, kapal: a sailing ~, kapal layar; ~s of all kinds in the harbour, segala macam kapal di pelabuhan itu; 2. receptacle esp for holding liquids, bekas: jugs, bowls and other ~s, jag, mangkuk dan bekas-bekas lain; 3. tube in which a body-liquid moves, saluran: a blood ~, saluran darah; lymph ~s, saluran limfa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |