pass | 8. transfer, change, beralih, bertukar: to ~ from youth into manhood,beralih dr zaman remaja ke zaman dewasa; the country has ~ed from backwardness to modernity in a very short period of time,dlm masa yg singkat negara itu bertukar drpd keadaan yg mundur kpd keadaan moden; on freezing, water ~es from a liquid into a solid state,semasa membeku, air bertukar drpd cecair kpd pepejal;as we climbed higher up the mountain the dense vegetation on the lower slopes ~ed into scrub,lebih tinggi kami mendaki gunung itu tumbuhan tebal di bahagian cerun yg lebih rendah bertukar kpd belukar; transferred, exchanged | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
scene | change of ~, /bertukar, beralih/ angin: a change of ~ will do him good, elok kalau dia beralih angin; /come, appear/ on the ~, (colloq) muncul: she came on the ~ just when we were desperately looking for someone to lead the team, dia muncul ketika kami menggelabah mencari orang utk memimpin kumpulan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
graduate | ~ (from st) to, beralih (drpd sst) kpd: our daughter has finally ~d from Mills and Boon to more serious novels, akhirnya anak perempuan kami beralih drpd novel Mills and Boon kpd novel yg lebih serius; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
shift | 3. (colloq) go to another place, beralih: I think it’s going to rain: we’d better ~ indoors, saya rasa hari hendak hujan: baik kita beralih ke dalam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
shift | 2. change direction (of wind, attention, glance) beralih (arah): the centre of the cyclone has now ~ed out to sea, pusat puting beliung sekarang sudah beralih arah ke laut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
switch | vi 1. (shift) beralih; (change) bertukar: in the middle of the discussion he suddenly ~ed to another subject, di tengah perbincangan itu, dia tiba-tiba beralih ke tajuk yg lain; the wind suddenly ~ed from west to south, arah angin tiba-tiba bertukar dr barat ke selatan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
turn | ~ to st, a. switch to a new job, topic, etc, beralih ke sst: he’s giving up painting and ~ing to photography instead, dia tdk lagi mahu melukis dan beralih ke seni fotografi; b. ref to st, /menengok, melihat/ sst; (fml) merujuk sst: he ~ed to his notes to refresh his memory, dia menengok notanya utk mengingatnya; c. go to st for information, comfort, etc, [various translation]: she ~ed to her work as a solace, dia menceburkan diri dlm kerjanya sbg penglipur lara; when his marriage broke up he ~ed to drink, apabila perkahwinannya musnah dia mula minum; d. change to or become st, (berubah) menjadi sst: the rain ~ed to snow, hujan berubah menjadi salji; everything King Midas touched ~ed to gold, apa saja yg disentuh oleh Raja Midas menjadi emas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
shift | in the second act the scene ~s to a hotel in Cannes, dlm babak kedua adegannya beralih ke sebuah hotel di Cannes; his interest has now ~ed to stamp collecting, minatnya sekarang sudah beralih kpd pengumpulan setem pula; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
move | vi 1. change place, position, bergerak; (of person) beralih, berpindah: he could see something moving in the shadows, dia nampak sst bergerak dlm bayang-bayang itu; light ~s at a speed of 186,000 miles per second, cahaya | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
turn | 4. roll, rotate from side to side or backwards and forwards, beralih(-alih), berkalih(-kalih): she ~ed from side to side examining herself in the mirror, dia berkalih ke kiri ke kanan memperhatikan dirinya dlm cermin; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |