public-spirit | nsemangat /awam, suka berbakti kpd orang awam/: a society lacking in ~, masyarakat yg kekurangan semangat suka berbakti kpd orang awam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
public spirited | adj bersemangat /awam, suka berbakti kpd orang awam/: it was very ~ of him to give such a large donation, memang dia bersemangat awam, memberikan derma sebegitu banyak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
serve | she wanted to ~ her country, dia ingin berbakti kpd negaranya; a man who has ~d this community faithfully and well, orang yg telah memberi khidmat kpd masyarakat ini dgn baik dan setia; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
service | a man who died in the ~ of his country, lelaki yg gugur semasa berbakti kpd negaranya; 7. fighting that so. does as a soldier, terlibat dlm pertempuran: he joined the army and saw ~ in India, dia masuk tentera dan terlibat dlm pertempuran di India; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
serve | vt 1. work for, render services to, berkerja; (o’s country, community, etc), /memberikan khidmat, berkhidmat, berbakti, membuat bakti/ kpd: a man cannot ~ two masters, seseorang tdk boleh bekerja utk dua orang tuan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
overpowering | adj 1. very strong, amat kuat; (of desire, grief, sense of injustice, jealousy, etc) amat sangat; (of emotion) menguasai diri sso: the ~ smell of ammonia, bau amonia yg amat kuat; an ~ sense of loss, rasa kehilangan sst yg amat kuat; his ~ desire to serve the nation, cita-citanya yg amat kuat utk berbakti kpd negara; jealousy can be an ~ emotion, rasa cemburu dapat menguasai diri sso; 2. overbearing, terlalu menguasai orang lain: I find his personality rather ~, saya mendapati sahsiahnya terlalu menguasai orang lain. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
service | 5. (usu in pl) work done to help or benefit others, khidmat; (esp o’s country, community, etc) jasa, bakti: I think you need the ~s of a good solicitor, saya rasa tuan memerlukan khidmat peguam yg pandai; I offered my ~s but they were politely refused, saya menawarkan khidmat tetapi ditolak secara sopan; he has been well rewarded for his ~s to the state, dia telah diberi ganjaran yg baik krn jasanya kpd negara; 6. performance of duties as employee, perkhidmatan, bertugas; (as public servant, soldier, etc) perkhidmatan, berkhidmat; (to God, o’s country, community, etc) berbakti: in recognition of his long and faithful ~ with the company..., sbg menghargai perkhidmatannya yg lama dan setia di syarikat itu...; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |