circulate | vi 1. flow, move in a circle or circuit, beredar: blood ~s through the body, darah beredar dlm badan; 2. (econ) beredar, berpusing: money ~s quickly in prosperous times, wang beredar dgn cepat pd zaman mewah; 3. be disseminated, tersebar: the rumour ~d quickly, khabar angin itu tersebar dgn cepat; 4. be sold or distributed, diedarkan: this magazine ~s only among businessmen, majalah ini diedarkan hanya di kalangan ahli-ahli perniagaan; 5. mingle, berkeliling dan menegur sapa: our host and hostess ~d amongst the guests, tuan rumah berkeliling dan menegur sapa di kalangan para tamu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
withdraw | vi 1. move back or away, beredar: after dinner we withdrew to the living room, selepas makan malam, kami beredar ke bilik tamu; he bowed to the King and withdrew, dia tunduk kpd Raja itu lalu beredar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
revolve | vi 1. turn in a circular motion, beredar: the planets ~ round the sun, bumi beredar mengelilingi matahari; 2. rotate on an axis, berputar: the wheel ~s upon an axle, roda berputar pd gandar; 3. focus on, berkisar: all the questions ~ around this one issue, semua soalan berkisar pd satu isu ini; her life ~s round her family and home, hidupnya berkisar di sekitar keluarga dan rumah tangganya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
trail | ~ /away, off/, a. move away aimlessly, beredar pergi: the crowd ~ed off before the speaker had finished his talk, orang ramai beredar pergi sebelum penceramah itu mengakhiri ceramahnya; b. (of voice) lose strength gradually, beransur-ansur hilang: her voice ~ed off in fear, suaranya beransur-ansur hilang krn takut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
motion | ~ so. /aside, away/, mengisyaratkan sso supaya beredar: we were ~ed away by the attendant so the official party could go up on the stage, kami telah diisyaratkan oleh atendan supaya beredar agar tetamu kehormat itu dapat naik ke pentas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
roll | ~ by, pass quickly, berlalu, beredar: as the years ~ed by, dgn berlalunya tahun demi tahun; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
move | ~ away, a. leave, meninggalkan tempat, beredar; (of vehicle) pergi: after the speeches were over, the crowd ~d away slowly, selepas ucapan itu selesai, orang ramai beransur-ansur meninggalkan tempat itu; b. leave town | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cyclic | adj 1. recurring in cycles, berkitar, berpusing; (of seasons) beredar: ~ changes, perubahan yg berkitar; 2. (bot) berkitar: ~ flowers, bunga berkitar; 3. (math) kitaran: ~ figure, rajah kitaran; 4. (chem) siklik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
earth | n 1. (planet) bumi: the ~ revolves round the sun, bumi beredar mengelilingi matahari; 2. material world, dunia, muka bumi: our life on this ~ is brief, hidup kita di dunia ini singkat sahaja; 3. ground, bumi: the plane nosedived and crashed to the ~, kapal terbang itu menjunam lalu terhempas ke bumi; 4. soil, tanah: to fill a pot with ~, mengisi pasu dgn tanah; 5. animal hole, lubang (tempat tinggal binatang); 6. (electr) litar bumi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ascending | adj 1. rising upwards, sedang naik: the ~ smoke drifted westward, asap yg sedang naik itu beredar ke barat; 2. sloping upwards, mendaki, memanjat, naik meninggi: an ~ footpath, jalan kecil yg mendaki; 3. (of plant) menaik, menjalar naik: an ~ stem,batang tumbuhan yg menaik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |