alternate | adj 1. occurring by turns, bersilih ganti, silih berganti, berganti-ganti, ganti-berganti, berselang-seli, berselang-selang, berselang-seling; (of visible thing) berselang-seli, berselang-selang, berselang-seling: ~ rain and sunshine, hujan dan panas yg berselang-seli; a wall made of ~ layers of stone and timber, tembok yg dibina drpd lapisan batu dan kayu yg berselang-seli; 2. every other, berselang: he works on ~ days, dia bekerja berselang hari; 3. see ALTERNATIVE; 4. (of leaves, flowers, etc) selang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
kaleidoscopic (al) | adj silih berganti, sering /berubah, bertukar/: ~ scenes, pemandangan yg silih berganti; ~ colours, warna yg silih berganti. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
spell 3 | take ~s at, berganti-ganti, bergilir-gilir: they took ~s at nursing the child, mereka berganti-ganti menjaga budak itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
alternating | adj 1. occurring successively, silih berganti, bersilih ganti, berselang-seli, berselang-selang, berselang-seling: ~ ebbs and flows, pasang dan surut yg silih berganti; 2. appearing, being heard in alternation, berselang-seli, berselang-selang, berselang-seling: ~ colours, warna-warna yg berselang-seli; ~ sound patterns, pola-pola bunyi yg berselang-seli. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
spell 3 | 3. a short turn of work, berganti-ganti, bergilir-gilir: each man does a ~ of two hours at the helm, setiap orang berganti-ganti mengemudi selama dua jam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
day | ~ after ~, continuously, one day after another, hari demi hari; ~ after ~ /passed, went by/, hari / berganti hari, demi hari berlalu, silih berganti/; ~ and night, night and ~, siang (dan) malam; ~ by ~, dr (se)hari ke (se)hari, hari demi hari; ~ in ~ out, /setiap, tiap-tiap/ hari; ~ off, (hari) cuti, bercuti, hari [sso] tdk bekerja: she visits me on her ~ off, dia mengunjungi saya pd hari dia tdk bekerja; to give so. a ~ off, memberi sso cuti sehari; I was asked to take the ~ off, saya disuruh bercuti pd hari itu; a ~ or two, sehari dua: he’ll be away for a ~ or two, dia tdk ada di sini sehari dua; all ~ (long), /a, one/ whole (full) ~, sepanjang hari, sehari suntuk, sehari-harian; all in /a, the/ ~’s work, sebahagian drpd kerja sehari-hari; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
alternate | vi 1. occur, appear, perform by turns, bersilih ganti, silih berganti; (of visible thing, sound) berselang-seli, berselang-selang, berselang-seling: success ~d with failure, kejayaan dan kegagalan bersilih ganti; day and night ~, siang dan malam silih berganti; red and blue stripes ~ with each other, jalur merah dan biru berselang-seli di antara satu dgn yg lain; the pitter-patter of rain alternating with the rustling of leaves, bunyi rintik-rintik hujan berselang-seli dgn desiran daun-daun; 2. often ~ between, change from one condition etc to another, bersilih ganti, silih berganti: to ~ between laughter and tears, gelak ketawa dan tangisan bersilih ganti; 3. (of electric current, voltage) berulang-alik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
kaleidoscope | n 1. kaleidoskop; 2. (fig.) jalinan [n] yg silih berganti: at sunset the lake becomes a ~ of colours, pd waktu senja, permukaan tasik itu menjadi jalinan warna yg silih berganti. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rotation | n 1. act of revolving, putaran: the ~ of the earth, putaran bumi; 2. recurrent series, silih berganti: the ~ of the seasons, musim silih berganti; 3. planned sequence of cropping, giliran: the annual ~ of crops, giliran tanaman tahunan; 4. regular succession of various members in office etc, giliran; /in, by/ ~, (secara) bergilir-gilir: they do the work in ~, mereka membuat kerja itu bergilir-gilir. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
relay race | n lari berganti-ganti | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |