gravelly | adj 1. consisting of gravel, berkelikir, berkerikil: the ~ river bed, dasar sungai yg berkelikir; 2. like gravel, spt /kelikir, kerikil/; 3. (of voice) garau, garuk, parau. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crunch | vt 1. also ~ on st, crush noisily with the teeth, berkerap-kerup [sso] mengunyah; (on st big and hard) mengerkah: they were ~ing sweets and peanuts, berkerap-kerup mereka mengunyah gula-gula dan kacang; the dog is ~ing a bone, anjing itu sedang mengerkah tulang; 2. crush noisily, approv + berderap-derap: the heavy wheels ~ed the pebbly road, roda yg berat menggelek berderap-derap jalan yg berkerikil itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |