metallurgical | d. (of shiny surface) berkilat, merelap: ~ paint, cat berkilat; e. (of colour), (ber)warna + [approp adj] berkilat: the car has a ~ grey finish, kereta itu mempunyai kemasan berwarna kelabu berkilat; th | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sleek | adj 1. smooth and shiny, licin berkilat: she had long, ~ hair, rambutnya panjang dan licin berkilat; the panther’s ~ coat, bulu harimau kumbang yg licin berkilat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
glisten | vi (shine from or as if from wetness) berkilat; (sparkle, gleam by reflecting light) berkilau-kilau: the wet road ~ed under the street lights, jalan yg basah itu berkilat disinari lampu jalan; his body ~ed with sweat, badannya berkilat dgn peluh; she brushed her hair till it ~ed, dia memberus rambutnya sehingga berkilat; dew drops ~ing on the leaves, titik-titik embun yg berkilau-kilau di atas daun; her eyes ~ed with tears, matanya berkilau-kilau digenangi air mata. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
shiny | adj berkilat(-kilat), bersinar-sinar: her hair was clean and ~, rambutnya bersih dan berkilat-kilat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
spit and polish | n (colloq) cuci sampai berkilat: give it a bit more ~ , cuci sampai berkilat lagi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gloss 1 | n 1. lustre, sheen, kilat, berkilat: continual wiping with a wet cloth will take the ~ off the table, selalu mengesat dgn kain basah akan menghilangkan kilat meja itu; her hair has a healthy ~, rambutnya sihat dan berkilat; high ~, /sangat, amat/ berkilat: the brassware has been polished to a high ~, barang logam itu telah digilap sehingga menjadi amat berkilat; 2. deceptive, superficial appearance, topeng: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
polished | adj 1. made shiny from polishing, berkilat: ~ furniture, perabot yg berkilat; 2. done with professional skill, cemerlang: a ~ performance, persembahan yg cemerlang; 3. elegant, refined<./i>, halus budi bahasa: she has grown into a sophisticated and ~ young lady, dia sudah menjadi seorang gadis yg anggun dan halus budi bahasanya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
glossy | adj 1. smooth and shiny, licau, berkilat: a ~ photograph, gambar licau; ~ hair, rambut yg berkilat; 2. superficially delightful, pleasant, indah-indah: a ~ picture of life in Hollywood, gambaran yg indah-indah ttg kehidupan di Hollywood. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lustrous | adj 1. glossy, berkilat; (of pearls) merelap, berkilau: her long, ~ black hair was neatly tied up into a bun, rambutnya yg panjang dan hitam berkilat itu disanggul rapi; a ~ pearl set in diamonds, mutiara yg merelap bertatahkan berlian; 2. (of eyes etc) shining, bersinar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gleaming | adj 1. glowing, bercahaya, bersinar: a tiger’s ~ eyes, mata harimau yg bercahaya; 2. reflecting brightly, berkilat: a ~ brass doorknob, tombol pintu loyang yg berkilat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |