lock 1 | vi 1. (of door, gate, etc) become fastened, berkunci: the door ~s automatically, pintu itu berkunci secara automatik; 2. become rigid, immovable, tdk boleh bergerak: the wheels ~ed when he applied the brakes, roda-roda itu tdk boleh bergerak apabila dia menekan brek; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lock 1 | ~, stock and barrel, semua sekali: he moved out ~, stock and barrel, dia keluar dgn membawa semua sekali; under ~ and key, a. locked up, di tempat yg berkunci: she kept all her jewellery under ~ and key, dia menyimpan semua barang kemasnya di tempat yg berkunci; b. imprisoned, dikurung dlm penjara, dipenjarakan: the rapist is now under ~ and key, sekarang perogol itu sudah dikurung dlm penjara; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
side | adj 1. at the side, tepi, sisi: the ~ door was locked, pintu tepi berkunci; 2. directed towards one side, sisi: a ~ kick, sepakan sisi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inner | adj 1. inside, interior, sebelah dalam; (of ear) dalam: an ~ courtyard, laman sebelah dalam; the door leading to the ~ office was locked, pintu masuk ke pejabat sebelah dalam berkunci; the cupboard has an ~ compartment, almari itu mempunyai ruang sebelah dalam; an infection in the ~ ear, jangkitan pd telinga dalam; 2. central part of, bahagian tengah: an office in ~ Sydney, pejabat di bahagian tengah Sydney; 3. (of meaning) obscure, tersirat, terselindung, tersembunyi: was there an ~ meaning to that remark?, apakah ada maksud yg tersirat dlm kata-kata itu?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
peculiar | adj 1. odd, pelik; (of situation, incident that cannot be explained) menghairankan, pelik, hairan; (of look) aneh: it has a most ~ smell, benda itu mempunyai bau yg sangat aneh; I heard footsteps in that locked room – it was most ~, saya terdengar bunyi tapak kaki di dlm bilik yg berkunci itu –hairan sungguh; he gave me a ~ look, dia melemparkan pandangan aneh kpd saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
permanently | adv 1. for a long indefinite period, (of address) tetap, menetap; (in memory) kekal, selama-lamanya, sampai mati, seumur hidup, sepanjang hayat: they moved to the city and stayed there ~, mereka berpindah ke bandar dan tinggal tetap di sana; the terrible scene was ~ lodged in his memory, peristiwa yg ngeri itu tersemat kekal dlm ingatannya; 2. constantly, sentiasa: the dungeon door was kept ~ locked, pintu kurungan bawah tanah itu sentiasa berkunci sentiasa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |