histrionic | adj 1. rel to the theatre, acting, berdrama, berlakon: ~ ability, kemampuan berlakon; 2. affected, theatrical, dramatik: ~ behaviour, tingkah laku yg dramatik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
act | vt 1. take the part of, /berlakon, memegang peranan/ sbg: he ~ed Macbeth at the Old Vic, dia berlakon sbg Macbeth di Old Vic; 2. perform, melakonkan: the play was never ~ed, drama itu tdk pernah dilakonkan; 3. behave as, berlaku spt: he ~ed the fool, dia berlaku spt orang bodoh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
off-stage | adj 1. off, away from stage, dr belakang pentas: we could hear voices ~, kami dapat mendengar suara dr belakang pentas; 2. when not acting, apabila tdk berlakon: her ~ personality, keperibadiannya apabila tdk berlakon; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
off-stage | adv 1. off, away from the stage, ke belakang pentas: the actress slowly walked ~, pelakon itu berjalan perlahan-lahan ke belakang pentas; 2. when not acting, apabila tdk berlakon: ~, she’s a different person altogether, apabila tdk berlakon, perawakannya berbeza sama sekali. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
act | vi 1. take action, bertindak: the association called on the government to ~ quickly, persatuan itu menggesa kerajaan supaya bertindak segera; 2. have an effect, bertindak: snake venom ~s on the nervous system, bisa ular bertindak atas sistem saraf; 3. perform (in film, play, etc) berlakon: Hitchcock usually ~s in his own films, Hitchcock biasanya berlakon dlm filem-filem arahannya sendiri; 4. function, berfungsi; (of brake) makan: the pump is not ~ing as it should, pam itu tdk berfungsi dgn sempurna; the fuse ~s as a switch, fius itu berfungsi sbg suis; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
impersonate | vt 1. pretend to be, menyamar sbg; (in theatrical presentation), /berlakon, mengambil peranan/ sbg, melakonkan watak: he was arrested for impersonating a police officer, dia ditangkap krn menyamar sbg pegawai polis; in the opera, the ballet dancers ~d fairies, dlm opera itu, penari-penari balet mengambil peranan sbg pari-pari; 2. imitate behaviour, mannerisms of, (pandai) mengajuk: a comedian who ~s well-known public figures, pelawak yg pandai mengajuk orang-orang ternama. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
aptitude | n 1. (ability) kebolehan; (talent) bakat: an ~ for acting, bakat berlakon; 2. quickness to learn, understand, kepandaian, kepintaran, kecerdikan; 3. appropriateness, kesesuaian | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
co- | pref 1. together, jointly, bersama: ~exist, hidup bersama; to ~-star with so., berlakon bersama sso; 2. (indic partnership) bersama: ~ - producers, penerbit bersama; ~ - owner, pemilik bersama. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rehearse | vt 1. practise in preparation for public performance, berlatih: the cast had started rehearsing the new play, kumpulan pelakon itu telah mula berlatih berlakon drama baru; 2. practise what one wants to say, menyebut berulang-ulang: she ~d the arguments she was going to put before the committee, dia menyebut berulang-ulang hujah-hujah yg akan dikemukakan kpd jawatankuasa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bill1 | vt 1. (send bill to) menghantar bil kpd; (charge so. for st by bill) mengenakan bayaran: the company will ~ you later, syarikat kami akan menghantar bil kpd tuan kemudian; he was ~ed for the goods, dia dikenakan bayaran utk barang-barang itu; 2. make a bill, membuat bil: to ~ the monthly purchases, membuat bil utk belian setiap bulan; 3. advertise by bills, mengiklankan (pd pelekat): he was ~ed to appear in “Hamlet”, dia diiklankan (pd pelekat) utk berlakon dlm “Hamlet”; 4. schedule on a programme, menjadualkan: the company ~ed the concert for a week, syarikat tersebut menjadualkan konsert itu berlangsung selama seminggu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |