intemperance | n 1. lack of moderation, keterlaluannya, berlebih-lebihannya, berlebih-lebihan, keterlaluan: the ~ of his language, bahasanya yg keterlaluan; 2. immoderate indulgence in alcohol, tabiat sso yg suka minum arak /berlebihan, secara keterlaluan/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
undue | adj 1. excessive, berlebih-lebih, tdk berpatutan: the ~ attention given to the problem, perhatian yg berlebih-lebih yg diberikan kpd masalah itu; the new law will bring ~ hardship to the people, undang-undang baru itu akan menyebabkan kesukaran yg berlebih-lebih kpd rakyat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
overdo | vt 1. make excessive use or application of, exaggerate, keterlaluan, berlebih-lebihan: she always ~es her make-up, dia selalu bersolek berlebih-lebihan; I think he’s inclined to ~ the use of metaphors, saya rasa dia cenderung menggunakan metafora berlebih-lebihan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
supernumerary | adj (fml) 1. in excess of usual number, berlebih: a ~ toe, jari kaki yg berlebih; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
underplay | vt 1. act (a role) with restraint, melakonkan sst dgn tdk berlebih-lebihan: he ~ed the tragic elements of the play, dia melakonkan unsur-unsur tragik dlm drama itu dgn tdk berlebih-lebihan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
exaggerated | adj 1. made to seem larger, worse, etc than st really is, dibesar-besarkan: an ~ account, cerita yg dibesar-besarkan; 2. overdone, berlebih-lebihan: her ~ make-up, mekapnya yg berlebih-lebihan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
orgy | n 1. occasion of wild, licentious revelry, pesta /liar, gila-gila/, orgi; (used with adj ) pesta: the party turned into an ~, pesta yg teratur menjadi orgi; a sexual ~, pesta seks; a drunken ~, pesta mabuk-mabuk; 2. (colloq) activity that is done with frenzied indulgence, berlebih-lebihan: she started an ~ of spending as soon as she received her inheritence, dia mula berbelanja berlebih-lebihan sebaik saja menerima harta pusaka itu; they indulged in an ~ of shopping, mereka berlebih-lebihan membeli-belah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
oversell | vt 1. sell more of (commodity) than can be delivered, menjual berlebihan; 2. (colloq) exaggerate the merits of, menjual [sst] berlebih-lebihan: we must be careful not to ~ the new technique, kita mesti hati-hati supaya tdk menjual teknik baru itu berlebih-lebihan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
top1 | on ~ of each other, a. bertindih-tindih, bertindan-tindan: she piled the books on ~ of each other, dia menyusun buku-buku itu bertindih-tindih; b. (colloq) very close together, bersesak-sesak, berhimpit-himpit: when you live in houses built on ~ of each other, you really appreciate the open countryside, kalau kamu tinggal dlm rumah yg dibina secara bersesak-sesak, kamu akan benar-benar menyukai kawasan kampung; on ~ of the world, berasa /bahagia, gembira/: ever since she heard the good news, she’s been on ~ of the world, sejak dia menerima berita baik itu, dia berasa bahagia; over the ~, berlebih-lebih: his reaction was over the ~, I thought, saya rasa reaksinya berlebih-lebih; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
claim | n 1. assertion, dakwaan: the exaggerated ~s made by some manufacturers, dakwaan yg berlebih-lebihan oleh sesetengah pengilang; 2. demand, tuntutan: he put in a ~ to the insurance company, dia mengemukakan tuntutan kpd syarikat insurans itu; to lay ~ to the title, membuat tuntutan atas hak milik itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |