worth | prep 1. having a certain value, bernilai: jewellery ~ 15,000 ringgit was stolen from the house, barang kemas bernilai 15,000 ringgit telah dicuri dr rumah itu; it was ~ less than what you paid for it, benda itu bernilai kurang drpd jumlah yg kamu bayar; 2. having possession or property equal to, mempunyai harta bernilai: he started from nothing and he was ~ millions at his death, dia bermula tanpa mempunyai apa-apa harta tetapi apabila mati mempunyai harta yg bernilai berjuta-juta; 3. giving a satisfactory or rewarding return for, berbaloi: the results were not ~ the effort, keputusan itu tdk berbaloi dgn usaha; freedom is ~ fighting for, kebebasan memang berbaloi utk diperjuangkan; this fact is ~ considering, fakta ini berbaloi utk dipertimbangkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
worthless | adj 1. having no value, tdk bernilai: inflation had made the currency practically ~, inflasi menjadikan mata wang itu tdk bernilai langsung; the stones were pieces of ~ glass, batu-batu itu ialah serpihan kaca yg tdk bernilai; the goods were so damaged that they were ~, barang-barang itu rosak teruk hinggakan menjadi tdk bernilai; 2. lacking the qualities or skills that one should have, tdk berguna: she was ~ as a teacher, sbg guru, dia tdk berguna; they made me feel ~, mereka membuat saya berasa tdk berguna. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
semiprecious | adj separa bernilai: ~ stones, batu separa bernilai. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
newsworthy | adj bernilai berita: a ~ happening, peristiwa yg bernilai berita. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
value | of ~, bernilai: there’s something of ~ in his work, ada sesuatu yg bernilai dlm karyanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
valued | adj 1. appraised, bernilai: goods ~ at $500, barang-barang yg bernilai $500; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
unworthy | adj 1. worthless, tdk /bernilai, berharga/: to work for ~ ends, berusaha utk tujuan yg tdk bernilai; 2. undeserving, tdk /wajar, patut/: he felt ~ of such an honour, dia rasa dia tdk patut menerima penghormatan itu; 3. not befitting, tdk /wajar, patut/: such conduct is ~ of someone in his position, kelakuan spt itu tdk wajar bagi seseorang dlm kedudukannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
worth | n 1. amount or quantity of st, a. (of specified value) bernilai: a pound’s ~ of potatoes, ubi kentang yg bernilai satu paun; we received 100,000 ringgit’s ~ of food and clothes for the earthquake victims, kami menerima makanan dan pakaian bernilai 100,000 ringgit utk mangsa-mangsa gempa bumi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
assess | ~ st at, menaksir sst bernilai; (of tax, fine) menaksir sst /berjumlah, sebanyak/: the house was ~ed at half a million dollars, rumah itu ditaksir bernilai setengah juta dolar; his income tax was ~ed at M$2,000,cukai pendapatannya ditaksir sebanyak M$2,000. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
treasure | 2. thing of great value, barang /berharga, bernilai/: a museum housing the art ~s of the nation, muzium yg menyimpan barang-barang seni negara yg berharga; this piece of porcelain is one of my dearest ~s, barang porselin ini adalah salah satu barang saya yg paling bernilai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |