twist | 3. twine, berpilin-pilin: the smoke, ~ing upward from the chimney, asap yg naik berpilin-pilin dr serombong itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
winding | adj that curves and twists, a. (of river, road, etc) berliku-liku, berbelok-belok: a ~ path led down to the lake, lorong yg berbelok-belok menuju ke tasik; b. (of staircase) berpilin-pilin: the ~ stairs in the tower, tangga yg berpilin-pilin di menara itu;n 1. act of tightening the working parts by turning knob etc, dikunci: the clock needs ~, jam itu perlu dikunci; 2. curving course, liku: they followed the ~s of the river, mereka mengikut liku-liku sungai itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wind2 | vi move in a spiral or circular course, a. (of river, road, etc) berliku-liku, berbelok-belok: the river ~s through the foothills to the plain, sungai itu berliku-liku melalui anak-anak bukit ke dataran itu; the road that ~s up the mountain, jalan yg berbelok-belok naik ke gunung; b. (of staircase) berpilin-pilin: a staircase ~ing upwards, tangga yg berpilin-pilin ke atas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |