confinement | n 1. state of being shut up, pengurungan: solitary ~, pengurungan berasingan; 2. childbirth, (waktu) bersalin: she had a difficult ~, dia menghadapi kesukaran sewaktu bersalin. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
shed 2 | vt 1. cast off, a. (hair, leaves, etc) gugur, luruh: in autumn, trees ~ their leaves, dlm musim luruh, daun-daun gugur; b. (skin) bersalin: snakes ~ding their skin, ular bersalin kulit; c. (teeth, horn) tanggal; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cast | vt 1. throw, a. (gen) melemparkan, mencampakkan: to ~ a fishing line, melemparkan tali pancing; to ~ a dice, melemparkan buah dadu; b. (net) menebarkan; 2. throw off or away, menghumbankan, mencampakkan, membuang: they ~ the body into the sea, mereka menghumbankan mayat itu ke dlm laut; 3. also ~ st off, shed, bersalin: the snake ~s its skin, ular itu bersalin kulit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
delivery | n 1. act of, a. (distributing letters, groceries, etc) penghantaran, penyerahan; (attrib) serahan, penyerahan: prompt ~, penyerahan segera; the first ~ is at 9 o’clock, penghantaran pertama ialah pd pukul 9; ~ service, perkhidmatan serahan; ~ note, nota serahan; ~ order, arahan penyerahan; accept ~ of st, menerima sst; on ~, waktu terima: payable on ~, dibayar waktu terima; take ~ of, menerima; b. (giving birth) bersalin: she had a difficult ~, dia susah bersalin; c. (rescuing, liberating) menyelamatkan, pembebasan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
change | vi 1. alter, transform, berubah, bertukar; (of person) berubah: her feelings for him have ~d perasaannya thdp lelaki itu telah berubah; relations between the two countries have ~d for the better, perhubungan antara kedua-dua buah negara itu telah berubah menjadi bertambah baik; she’s ~d a lot, dia telah banyak berubah; 2. vary, shift, berubah-ubah: fashions ~, fesyen berubah-ubah; 3. (of traffic lights) bertukar warna: I’m waiting for the lights to ~, saya menunggu lampu isyarat bertukar warna; 4. put different clothes on os, /bersalin, bertukar/ pakaian: to ~ for dinner, bersalin pakaian utk makan malam; 5. alight from one vehicle and board another, bertukar + approp n : he ~d at the junction, dia bertukar bas di persimpangan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ward | n 1. large room in a hospital for people needing similar treatment, wad: the patient was admitted to the surgical ~, pesakit itu dimasukkan ke wad pembedahan; the maternity ~, wad bersalin; 2. administrative division esp for election, wad: each ~ is represented by a councillor, setiap wad diwakili oleh seorang kaunselor; 3. a child under the guardianship of another person or legal authorities, anak jagaan: the orphan was made a ~ of court, anak yatim itu dijadikan anak jagaan mahkamah; 4. (old use) division in prison, wad: the condemned ~, wad mereka yg dihukum; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
false alarm | n 1. false report of fire to fire department, panggilan kebakaran yg palsu; 2. a call for emergency action that is not needed, amaran bahaya palsu; 3. st that excites unfounded alarm, approp n + palsu: it’s too early for her to have labour pains, it could be a ~, terlalu awal dia berasa sakit hendak bersalin, mungkin itu hanya tanda-tanda palsu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
labour | n 1. physical or mental, exertion work, kerja: I did not realize how much ~ would be involved, saya tdk menyedari banyaknya kerja yg terlibat; he was sentenced to two years hard ~, dia dijatuhi hukuman kerja berat selama dua tahun; manual ~, kerja manual; division of ~, pembahagian kerja; 2. particular piece of work (esp difficult), (be)kerja (keras): he began to see the result of his ~s, dia mula nampak hasil kerja kerasnya; 3. workers as a class, buruh, pekerja: skilled and unskilled ~, pekerja mahir dan tdk mahir; 4. pains of childbirth, pelahiran: to induce ~, mencetuskan pelahiran; ~ pains, sakit pelahiran; be in ~, sakit hendak bersalin; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
labour | n 1. physical or mental, exertion work, kerja: I did not realize how much ~ would be involved, saya tdk menyedari banyaknya kerja yg terlibat; he was sentenced to two years hard ~, dia dijatuhi hukuman kerja berat selama dua tahun; manual ~, kerja manual; division of ~, pembahagian kerja; 2. particular piece of work (esp difficult), (be)kerja (keras): he began to see the result of his ~s, dia mula nampak hasil kerja kerasnya; 3. workers as a class, buruh, pekerja: skilled and unskilled ~, pekerja mahir dan tdk mahir; 4. pains of childbirth, pelahiran: to induce ~, mencetuskan pelahiran; ~ pains, sakit pelahiran; be in ~, sakit hendak bersalin; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |