united | adj 1. joined, combined, bersatu: the ~ forces of Britain, America and France, angkatan tentera bersatu Britain, Amerika dan Perancis; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
band1 | vi often ~ together, unite, bersatu (padu): they ~ed together to resist the terrorists, mereka bersatu padu utk menentang pengganas-pengganas itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
amalgamated | adj 1. united into one body, bergabung, bersatu: A~ Steel Works, Syarikat Keluli Bersatu; 2. combined with mercury, beramalgam: ~ copper plate, plat kuprum beramalgam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hold 1 | ~ together, remain united, bersatu: if the party ~s together, I’m sure it will win the elections, jika parti itu bersatu, saya pasti parti itu akan menang dlm pilihan raya; ~ st together, a. fasten st together, mencantumkan sst: a few pins held the dress together, beberapa pin sahaja yg mencantumkan baju itu; b. cause st to remain united, menyatukan sst; (marriage) mengekalkan: a good leader can ~ a nation together, pemimpin yg baik dapat menyatukan sst bangsa; children often help to ~ a marriage together, anak-anak biasanya dapat mengekalkan perkahwinan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
undivided | adj 1. not parted by conflict of opinion, bersatu: the party remained ~ despite inner conflicts, parti itu tetap bersatu meskipun berlaku pertelingkahan dlm parti; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rank 1 | break ~s, keluar dr barisan; close ~s, bersatu: the party members tend to close ~s when criticised, ahli-ahli parti akan bersatu apabila dikritik; other ~s, askar biasa: officers and other ~s, para pegawai dan askar biasa; pull ~, mempergunakan kuasa utk kepentingan sendiri; rise from the ~s, naik pangkat dr bawah; the ~s, askar biasa: he was reduced to the ~s, dia diturunkan pangkat menjadi askar biasa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
unite | vi1. join together to form a single whole, bersatu, berpadu: elements ~ with other elements to form compounds, unsur-unsur bersatu dgn unsur-unsur lain utk membentuk sebatian; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stay 1 | b. continue having good relationship with another, hidup bersama; c. continue to be united, bersatu padu: the party ~ed together in spite of its many problems, parti itu masih bersatu padu meskipun menghadapi masalah yg banyak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rally | vi 1. muster, berhimpun: the soldiers rallied for a fresh attack, askar-askar itu berhimpun utk menyerang semula; 2. come together as support, bersatu: they rallied to the support of the leader, mereka bersatu utk menyokong pemimpin itu; 3. recover, pulih: the patient rallied but died soon after, pesakit itu telah pulih tetapi meninggal dunia tdk lama selepas itu; the stock market rallied today after yesterday’s drastic fall, bursa saham pulih setelah jatuh mendadak semalam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
consummate | vt 1. make perfect, menyempurnakan: the birth of a son ~d his happiness, kelahiran anak lelakinya menyempurnakan kebahagiaannya; 2. (fml) (marriage), (menyempurnakan [sst] dgn) bersatu: the marriage was never ~d, pasangan suami isteri itu tdk pernah menyempurnakan perkahwinan mereka dgn bersatu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |