unusual | 1. uncommon, tdk biasa, luar biasa: such cold weather is ~ at this time of year, cuaca sejuk begini tdk biasa pd masa ini; his behaviour is rather ~, perangainya agak luar biasa; she has an ~ name, namanya agak luar biasa; not ~, biasa: it is not ~ for him to arrive early at work, memang biasa baginya tiba awal di tempat kerja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
commonplace | adj 1. ordinary, approp n + biasa; (attrib) biasa: travelling by air is ~, perjalanan dgn kapal terbang adalah perkara biasa; her ~ daily tasks, tugas hariannya yg biasa; he is just a ~ man, dia hanyalah orang biasa; 2. trite, dull, biasa: ~ remarks, kata-kata biasa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
extraordinary | adj 1. not ordinary, exceptional, /i> luar biasa: a woman of ~ beauty, wanita yg luar biasa cantiknya; his talent for music is ~, bakat muziknya luar biasa; 2. strange, remarkable, luar biasa: she wears ~ clothes, pakaiannya luar biasa; his behaviour was most ~, kelakuannya luar biasa sekali; 3. out of the usual course, luar biasa: an ~ meeting was held following the arrest of two of the company’s directors, satu mesyuarat tergempar diadakan berikutan penangkapan dua drpd pengarah syarikat itu; 4. (fml) employed for particular events, purposes, dgn tugas khas: ambassador ~, duta dgn tugas khas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
familiar | adj 1. well-known (to) biasa + approp v: a ~ voice, suara yg biasa didengar; ~ scent, bauan yg biasa dihidu; ~ scenes of childhood, pemandangan yg biasa dilihat pd zaman kanak-kanak; 2. common, biasa: slums are a ~ sight in big cities, kawasan setinggan ialah pandangan yg biasa di bandar raya besar; 3. be conversant with, tahu (benar): he’s ~ with the roads here, dia tahu benar ttg jalan-jalan di sini; you are still not ~ with the rules, kamu masih belum tahu ttg peraturan-peraturan itu; 4. intimate, rapat; be on ~ terms, mempunyai hubungan rapat; 5. unduly personal, melewati batas: the man’s ~ attitude angered her, sikap lelaki yg melewati batas itu menimbulkan kemarahannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
uncommon | adj 1. rarely encountered, tdk biasa (approp v): birds which are ~ to this region, burung-burung yg tdk biasa didapati di kawasan ini; that’s an ~ name, itu ialah nama yg tdk biasa didengar; not ~, biasa, bukan tdk biasa: rain is not ~ at this time of the year, hujan biasa turun pd waktu ini setiap tahun; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
regular | adj 1. usual, normal, biasa: ~ working hours, waktu kerja biasa; ~ size, saiz biasa; he sat in his ~ place, dia duduk di tempat biasanya; who is your ~ doctor?, siapakah doktor biasa kamu?; 2. not varying or changing, tetap: the patient’s pulse is ~, denyutan nadi pesakit itu tetap; his attendance at school is not ~, kehadirannya di sekolah tdk tetap; a man of ~ habits, orang yg tetap kebiasaannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
extraordinarily | adv 1. exceptionally, luar biasa: an ~ talented girl, kanak-kanak perempuan yg luar biasa bakatnya; 2. strangely, luar biasa: he has been acting ~, dia berkelakuan luar biasa; 3. more than usually, terlalu: she took an ~ long time to do her hair, dia mengambil masa yg terlalu lama utk mendandan rambutnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ordinary | adj 1. normal, common, biasa: just wear your ~ clothes, pakailah pakaian biasamu; he pretended to be an ~ tourist, dia berpura-pura sbg pelancong biasa; in ~ times, we would have offered you more perks, pd waktu-waktu biasa, kami dapat memberikan faedah-faedah istimewa yg lebih kpd tuan; the ~ reader would not notice this, pembaca biasa tdk akan nampak perkara ini; it happened on one of those ~ working days, kejadian itu berlaku pd salah satu hari bekerja yg biasa; 2. quite dull, sederhana: he’s a very ~ sort of person, dia orang yg sangat sederhana; a student of very ~ ability, pelajar yg kebolehannya sangat sederhana; 3. (of an undergraduate degree) biasa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
extra | adv 1. more than usual, especially, lebih drpd biasa: this is ~ fine quality paper, mutu kertas ini lebih baik drpd biasa; he bought an ~ large saucepan, dia membeli periuk yg besarnya lebih drpd biasa; we arrived ~ late for work, kami tiba di pejabat lebih lewat drpd biasa; he is ~ generous today, dia lebih murah hati drpd biasa hari ini; 2. more than the normal amount, lebih: you must pay ~ for a private bathroom, kamu mesti membayar lebih utk mendapat bilik air persendirian; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
average | adj 1. usual, typical, biasa: the ~ Malaysian, orang Malaysia biasa; the ~ skin, kulit yg biasa; 2. middling, ordinary, sederhana: a boy of ~ height, budak lelaki yg sederhana tingginya; her results are only ~, keputusannya sederhana sahaja; 3. equal to arithmetic mean, purata, pukul rata, hitung panjang: ~ cost, kos purata; ~ speed, kelajuan purata; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |