shoot | little speedboats ~ing over the water, bot-bot laju yg sedang meluncur di permukaan air; a rocket shot into the air, sebuah roket meluncur ke udara; c. (of water) memancut: the jet of water that shot from the nozzle knocked him over, air yg memancut dr muncung hos itu menyebabkan dia jatuh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rescue | vt menyelamatkan: boats were sent out to ~ passengers from the sinking ship, bot-bot telah dihantar utk menyelamatkan penumpang-penumpang dr kapal yg karam itu; the new management ~d the business from bankruptcy, pihak pengurusan yg baru telah menyelamatkan perniagaan itu drpd bankrap; he ~d me from a difficult situation, dia menyelamatkan saya drpd situasi yg sukar itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
shuttle | vi berulang-alik: the little boats that ~ between the mainland and the island, bot-bot kecil yg berulang-alik antara tanah besar dgn pulau itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
attack | vt 1. assault physically, menyerang; (country) menyerang, melanggar: the fishing boats were ~ed by pirates, bot-bot nelayan itu diserang oleh lanun; this time they ~ed the goal from the left wing, kali ini mereka menyerang pintu gol dr kawasan sayap kiri; the country was ~ed without warning, negara itu diserang tanpa amaran; 2. criticize adversely, a. (so.) membidas, menyerang: the union leader was ~ed by the newspapers for his recent statement, pemimpin kesatuan sekerja itu dibidas oleh akhbar krn penyataannya baru-baru ini; b. (st) membidas, mengkritik dgn hebat: the Opposition ~ed the bill on several grounds, pihak Pembangkang membidas rang undang-undang itu atas beberapa sebab; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
havoc | play ~ with, throw into confusion and disorder, mengucar-ngacirkan: the windstorm played ~ with the boats in the harbour, angin ribut mengucar-ngacirkan bot-bot di pelabuhan itu; the general strike played ~ with the conference arrangements, mogok umum telah mengucar-ngacirkan susunan rancangan persidangan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
navigable | adj 1. capable of being sailed through, boleh /dilalui, dilayari/: the river is ~ only by small boats, sungai itu hanya boleh dilalui oleh bot-bot kecil; 2. seaworthy, boleh belayar: the ship is not in a ~ condition, kapal itu dlm keadaan tdk boleh belayar; 3. able to be steered, boleh dikemudikan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wash | 5. movement of water caused by the passing of a boat, olak air: the ~ of the passing speedboats upset the smaller boats, olak air bot laju yg sedang lalu itu menganggu bot-bot kecil; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lower 1 | vt 1. cause to move down or descend, menurunkan: the sailors ~ed the boats into the water, kelasi-kelasi itu menurunkan bot-bot ke dlm air; the injured man was ~ed down the cliff on a stretcher, orang yg cedera itu diturunkan dr cenuram dgn menggunakan usungan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
parade | vt 1. gather and present (troops) for inspection, membariskan: the captain ~d his men, kapten itu membariskan askar-askarnya; 2. move or march in procession, berarak di: gaily decorated small boats ~d the river, bot-bot kecil yg dihias indah berarak di sungai itu; bands of merry-makers ~d the streets, kumpulan orang yg bersuka ria berarak di jalan-jalan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
tub | 4. (colloq) an old or slow boat, bot (lama): they arrived at the jetty in an old ~, mereka sampai di jeti itu dgn menaiki sebuah bot lama; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |