bamboo | n buluh, bambu: ~ fence, pagar buluh; ~ shoot, (pucuk) rebung. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cane | n 1. stem, a. (of bamboo), (batang) buluh; b. (of rattan) rotan; c. (of sugar-cane), (batang) tebu; 2. see SUGAR-CANE; 3. strip, a. (of bamboo), (bilah) buluh; b. (of rattan), (bilah) rotan; 4. (attrib), (yg dibuat drpd) rotan: ~ chair, kerusi rotan; 5. walking-stick, tongkat; 6. rod used for beating, rotan; get the ~, kena rotan, dirotan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bamboo curtain | n /tabir, tirai/ /bambu, buluh/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flaxe | n adj (of hair) kuning buluh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clump | n 1. cluster, rumpun, kelompok: a ~ of bamboo, serumpun buluh; in ~s, berumpun-rumpun, berkelompok-kelompok: shrubs growing in ~s, pokok renek yg tumbuh berkelompok-kelompok; 2. lump, gumpal: a ~ of earth, segumpal tanah; 3. (of sound) bunyi derap: the ~ of boots, bunyi derap but; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ripple | vi 1. form, have ripples, beriak; (of hair) berketak-ketak: the tall bamboos near the river were rippling in the gentle breeze, pokok-pokok buluh yg tinggi berhampiran sungai sedang beriak-riak dihembus angin lembut; her hair ~d down her back, rambutnya berjurai berketak-ketak di belakangnya; 2. (of laughter, applause) rise and fall gently, beralun: the sound of applause ~d from the crowd, bunyi tepukan beralun drpd orang ramai; 3. (of muscles) having wave-like movement, bergetar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
make | vt 1. construct (st) by work or action, membuat: the natives ~ many things out of bamboo, orang asli membuat bermacam-macam barang drpd buluh; paper is made from pulp, kertas dibuat drpd pulpa; we’ll ~ c | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gregarious | adj 1. (of person) enjoying the company of others, suka berkawan: she is the ~ type, dia jenis yg suka berkawan; 2. (of animals) living together in herds or flocks, berkawan, berkelompok; 3. (of plants) growing close together, rumpun: the bamboo is a ~ plant, buluh ialah tumbuh-tumbuhan rumpun; 4. tending to group together, suka hidup /berkelompok, berkumpulan/: human beings are by nature ~, secara semula jadi manusia suka hidup berkelompok. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
prop 1 | ~ os up, menyandarkan badan sso ke: the patient ~ped herself up on the pillows, pesakit itu menyandarkan badannya ke bantal; ~ so. up, /menyendal, menggalang/ sso: the mother ~ped the baby up on the cushions and started feeding him, ibu menyendal anak kecilnya dgn kusyen dan mula menyuapinya; ~ st up, a. support object in a particular position, menopang sst: he ~ped up the bamboo fence with some planks, dia menopang pagar buluh itu dgn beberapa keping papan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |