foam | n 1. froth on surface of liquid, buih, busa: the firemen sprayed ~ around the aircraft after its emergency landing, ahli bomba menyemburkan busa di sekeliling kapal terbang selepas membuat pendaratan cemas; he was annoyed when he saw the thick layer of ~ on his beer, dia berasa jengkel apabila melihat lapisan buih yg tebal pd birnya; 2. froth of saliva, buih; 3. (chemical substance) busa, buih: shaving ~, busa cukur; 4. also foam rubber, getah berbusa: ~ mattress, tilam getah berbusa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
froth | n 1. busa, buih: beer with a lot of ~, bir yg berbusa banyak; 2. (fig.) tdk /ada isi, berisi/: his speech was mainly ~, sebahagian besar ucapannya tdk ada isi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lather | n 1. froth formed by soap and water, buih, busa: this soap produces a good ~, sabun ini mengeluarkan buih yg banyak; 2. frothy sweat as on horse, peluh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lather | n 1. froth formed by soap and water, buih, busa: this soap produces a good ~, sabun ini mengeluarkan buih yg banyak; 2. frothy sweat as on horse, peluh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bubble | n 1. ball of liquid containing gas or air, gelembung, buih: soap ~s, /buih, gelembung/ sabun; blow ~s, meniup /buih, gelembung/ sabun; 2. air-filled cavity in liquid or solid, gelembung; (in carbonated drinks and certain wines) buih, busa: the glass is flawed by small ~s, kaca itu dicacati gelembung-gelembung kecil; ~s rising in champagne, buih-buih yg naik dlm champagne; 3. unrealized hope, dream, impian: his ~ has burst, impiannya telah musnah; 4. undependable scheme, rancangan yg goyah: the South Sea ~, rancangan Laut Selatan yg goyah; 5. sound of bubble, bunyi gelegak: we could hear the ~ of the kettle, kami dapat mendengar bunyi gelegak dr cerek itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
head | 7. obverse side, kepala: everytime he spun the coin it came up ~s, setiap kali dia memusingkan duit syiling itu kepala yg naik; ~s or tails?, kepala atau bunga?; 8. pus-filled part, mata, punat: the ~ of a boil, punat bisul; 9. froth on liquid, buih, busa; (of milk) kepala; 10. (of tape recorder etc) kepala; 11. (of water) turus; 12. chief, leader, ketua: the ~ of the family, ketua keluarga; ~s of state, ketua-ketua negara; ~s of government, ketua-ketua kerajaan; the ~ gardener, ketua tukang kebun; 13. each, seorang, sekepala: eight dollars a ~ for the meal, lapan ringgit seorang utk hidangan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |