graft 1 | n 1. (horticulture) a. shoot, plant cutting inserted in cut for grafting, cantuman; b. plant resulting from graft, cantuman; c. point at which shoot etc is joined to plant (stock) tempat cantuman; 2. (surg) a. transplanted living tissue used in grafting, graf; b. process of transplanting living tissue, penggrafan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
graft hybrid | n hibrid cantuman. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bud | n 1. rudimentary growth of, a. (branch, leaf) tunas: ~ grafting, cantuman tunas; b. (of flower) kudup; in ~, a. producing undeveloped branches or leaves, sedang bertunas; b. producing undeveloped flowers, mengeluarkan kudup; 2. partially opened flower, kuntum; 3. any bud-like growth, tunas: taste ~, tunas rasa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
take | 3. start growing properly, (of graft, seed)bercambah; (of seedling) tumbuh: the graft has ~n, cantuman itu telah bercambah; only a few of the seedlings took, hanya sedikit drpd semaian itu yg tumbuh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
patchwork | 2. (fig.) a. (of fields etc) petak-petak: from the hill one can look down on the ~ of fields in the valley below, dr bukit itu seseorang boleh melihat petak-petak ladang di lembah; b. (of ideas etc) cantuman: the whole article is a ~ of miscellaneous statements, seluruh makalah itu ialah cantuman pelbagai kenyataan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
assimilation | n 1. act, process of, a. (absorbing nutriment into the system) asimilasi, pemesraan: the digestion and ~ of food, pencernaan dan asimilasi makanan; b. (absorbing and comprehending) pemahaman: education demands more than just the ~ of facts, pendidikan memerlukan lebih drpd pemahaman fakta; c. (becoming part of group) asimilasi: the use of the same language makes for easier ~, penggunaan bahasa yg sama menyebabkan asimilasi menjadi lebih mudah; 2. (phon) asimilasi: coalescent ~, asimilasi cantuman; incontinuous ~, asimilasi berantara; partial ~, asimilasi tak sempurna. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |