scribble | short stories that are nothing more than ~s, without form or content, cerpen-cerpen yg tdk lebih drpd coretan, tanpa bentuk atau isi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
short story | n cerpen. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beautiful | 5. aesthetically, intellectually gratifying, indah: a short story written in ~ language, cerpen yg ditulis dlm bahasa yg indah; a ~ landscape by Constable, lukisan bentuk darat yg indah oleh Constable; 6. (colloq) excellent, very enjoyable, [various translations]: the weather was ~, cuaca bagus sekali; ~ batting, pukulan yg cantik; a ~ dream, mimpi yg indah; we had a ~ holiday, percutian kami sangat menyeronokkan; it was a ~ party, majlis keramaian itu sangat menyeronokkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
assort | vt 1. classify, mengasing-asingkan: to ~ the oranges for packing, mengasing-asingkan buah oren utk dikotakkan; 2. group (with others) menggolongkan: he ~ed the fiction with the short stories and novelettes, dia menggolongkan cereka itu dgn cerpen dan novelet; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
besides | adv 1. moreover, lagipun: the show is excellent, and ~ the tickets are inexpensive, pertunjukan itu bagus sekali, lagipun tiketnya tdk mahal; I don’t want to go, ~ I am tired, saya tdk mahu pergi, lagipun saya penat; 2. in addition, di samping: he has written a novel and several short stories ~, dia telah menulis sebuah novel di samping beberapa buah cerpen; 3. otherwise, else, selain itu... + approp n, selain... + approp n: the library has some reference books but very little ~, perpustakaan itu mempunyai beberapa buah buku rujukan, selain itu sedikit sahaja bahan lain or selain beberapa buah buku rujukan, perpustakaan itu mempunyai sedikit sahaja bahan lain; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
entry | 8. a. entrant ( in a competition, race ) peserta: there were at least ten entries for the 400 metre race, terdapat sekurang-kurangnya sepuluh peserta utk perlumbaan 400 meter itu; b. st submitted ( for a competition ) sertaan, [ usu various translations ]: the pudding is her ~ for the cooking competition, puding itu ialah sertaannya utk peraduan memasak itu; who will be judging the entries in the short story competition?, siapakah yg akan mengadili cerita-cerita di dlm pertandingan menulis cerpen itu?; all entries must be submitted before the 30th of June, semua borang jawapan mestilah dihantar sebelum 30 Jun; 9. input ( into a computer ) pemasukan: data ~, pemasukan data. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
collection | n 1. act of, a. (calling for, receiving rent, taxes, etc) pemungutan; b. (fetching) pengambilan, mengambil: the ~ of mail is at 8 a.m., mel diambil pd pukul 8 pagi; 2. st collected, koleksi: he has a fine ~ of paintings, dia mempunyai koleksi lukisan yg baik; his ~ of butterflies, koleksi kupu-kupunya; the spring ~ for this year, koleksi musim bunga utk tahun ini; 3. anthology, kumpulan: a ~ of short stories, kumpulan cerpen; 4. money collected at meeting etc, (jumlah) pungutan; 5. st that has collected together, terkumpul, himpunan: the ~ of soot in the chimney, jelaga yg terkumpul dlm serombong; a ~ of rubbish, himpunan sampah-sarap; 6. time postman empties post box, waktu mengambil surat: when is the next ~?, bilakah waktu mengambil surat selepas ini?. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |