vinegary | adj 1. like vinegar, /spt, macam/ cuka: the wine tastes ~, wain itu macam cuka rasanya; the ~ smell of the salad, salad yg baunya macam cuka; 2. having a disagreeable, bitter or coldly severe character or manner, a. (of person) perengus: a ~ unpleasant woman, perempuan yg perengus dan tdk baik; b. (of tongue, remarks, etc) pedas, tajam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
vinegar | n (sharp-tasting liquid ) cuka: oil and ~ dressing, kuah salad drpd minyak dan cuka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
marinade | n /cairan, sos/ perap: she uses olive oil, vinegar and spices to make the ~, dia menggunakan minyak zaitun, cuka dan rempah-rempah utk membuat cairan perap; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
shake | ~ up, a. mix by shaking, menggocangkan: the oil and vinegar should be ~n up together in a bottle, minyak dan cuka mestilah digoncangkan bersama dlm botol; b. plump up, menepuk-nepuk: to ~ up the cushions, menepuk-nepuk kusyen; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
smack | a ~ of, a. slight taste of, rasa [sst] sedikit: I think it needs just a ~ more vinegar, saya rasa makanan ini memerlukan rasa cuka sedikit lagi; b. trace, hint, i. (gen) unsur: his letters have a ~ of humour which make them enjoyable to read, surat-suratnya mempunyai unsur humor yg menjadikannya seronok dibaca; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
separate | vi 1. be apart, disconnected, terpisah, terasing: the oil ~s from the vinegar and floats to the surface, minyak terasing drpd cuka lalu timbul di permukaan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
toss | 2. coat (food) with dressing by gentle shaking, menggaul-gaulkan, membalik-balikkan: ~ the boiled vegetables in butter and vinegar, gaul-gaulkan sayur yg dicelur itu dgn mentega dan cuka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sharp | 5. steep and sudden, mendadak: the ~ fall in share prices caught many investors unawares, kejatuhan harga syer yg mendadak menyebabkan ramai pelabur terperangkap; 6. keen, biting, a. (of taste) pedar: the ~ taste of vinegar, rasa cuka yg pedar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
open | fall ~, (of mouth) ternganga, terlopong; be wide ~, (of door) terbuka luas, terdedah, terkangkang; (of window) terbuka luas, terdedah; (of eyes) terbeliak, terbuka luas; 2. having seal, lid, cork, etc unfastened, telah dibuka: there is an ~ bottle of vinegar in the cupboard, ada sebotol cuka yg telah dibuka di dlm almari; an ~ box of cigars, kotak cerut yg telah dibuka; get (bottle etc) ~, membuka (botol dll): he could not get the bottle ~, dia tdk dapat membuka botol itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dash | n 1. rush, meluru, berlari; make a ~, meluru, berlari: to make a ~ for cover, meluru mencari perlindungan; the dog made a ~ at the postman, anjing itu meluru ke arah posmen itu; 2. small admixture, splash, sedikit: a ~ of vinegar, sedikit cuka; a ~ of red, sedikit warna merah; 3. sudden burst, splash, (of water) simbahan, menyimbah: a ~ of cold water will revive him, simbahan air akan menyedarkannya semula; 4. sound of water striking, a. (of wave, sea, etc) desau, deburan: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |