from | 5. (indic starting point for the statement or measurement of distance) dari: the road runs ~ the mountains to the sea, jalan itu bermula dari gunung ke laut: we live five miles ~ town, kami tinggal lima batu dari bandar; he died far ~ home, dia mati jauh dari rumah; 6. (indic starting point or extent in space or time) dari: he read it ~ beginning to end, dia membacanya dari mula hingga akhir; two hours ~ now, dua jam dari sekarang; the concert is ~ 8 to 10, konsert itu dari pukul 8 hingga pukul 10; ~ dawn to dusk, dari subuh hingga senja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
from | prep 1. (indic point of departure) dari: the train for Rome leaves ~ Paris, kereta api ke Rom berlepas dari Paris; he came ~ home, dia datang dari rumah; the nest fell ~ the tree, sarang burung itu jatuh dari pokok; 2. (indic source, place of origin), dari; (if “source” is person) daripada: he comes ~ Germany, dia datang dari Jerman; he drew water ~ the well, dia mengambil air dari perigi; you cannot draw conclusions ~ such evidence, kamu tdk dapat mengambil kesimpulan drpd keterangan begitu; the suggestion came ~ Hafiz, usul itu datang daripada Hafiz; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
off | prep 1. a. down from, dari: the picture fell ~ the wall, gambar itu terjatuh dari dinding; a button came ~ his shirt, butang tertanggal dari kemejanya; she got ~ the bus at High Street, dia turun dari bas di High Street; b. away from, from, dari; (person) daripada; (indic movement out of one place into another) keluar dr: the shot was well ~ the mark, tembakan itu terbabas dari sasaran; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
off | she pulled the ring ~ his finger, dia mencabut cincin dari jari lelaki itu; to take the curtain ~ the hooks, menanggalkan langsir dari cangkuk; he cut several slices ~ the meat loaf, dia memotong beberapa keping dari buku daging itu; she borrowed twenty dollars ~ me, dia meminjam dua puluh ringgit daripada saya; the robbers turned ~ the main road into a side lane, perompak-perompak itu membelok keluar dr jalan besar masuk ke jalan tepi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
out | c. away from, from, dari; (used with negative), [various translations]: they’ll be moving ~ of their house soon, tdk lama lagi mereka akan keluar dari rumah itu; the baby fell ~ of the cot, bayi itu terjatuh dari katilnya; fish cannot live ~ of water, ikan tdk dapat hidup kecuali di dalam air; d. (indic that so. is leaving town, city) keluar dr: he couldn’t wait to get ~ of that sleepy country town, dia tdk sabar utk keluar dr pekan kecil yg sepi itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
around | from ~, dari, [not translated]: take your arm from ~ my shoulders, lepaskan tanganmu dari bahuku or jangan paut bahuku; c. (so as to make a circuit of) mengelilingi, berkeliling: she danced ~ the fire as if in a trance, dia menari mengelilingi unggun api itu spt orang yg tdk sedarkan diri; d. (so as to make partial circuit of) menyusuri, mengelilingi: a voyage ~ the Cape of Good Hope, pelayaran mengelilingi Tanjung Harapan; 3. in every direction from (a point of reference) sekeliling, sekitar: he looked ~ him and could not believe what he saw, dia memandang sekelilingnya dan tdk dapat mempercayai apa yg dilihatnya; 4. situated here and there in, di sana sini di: the antique clocks ~ the house, jam-jam antik yg terdapat di sana sini di rumah itu; 5. from one place to another in, throughout, mengelilingi, berkeliling: to drive ~ the island, memandu mengelilingi pulau itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
over | 11. downwards from a high place, dari: the child fell ~ the cliff, kanak-kanak itu terjatuh dari cenuram; 12. (indic that part of person’s body is bent etc above st) di: she sat crouched ~ her typewriter, dia duduk membongkok di mesin taipnya; they found him slumped ~ the steering wheel, dia diketemui tertelungkup di roda kemudi; 13. more than, lebih drpd; (rel to age), [pron] lebih drpd, [n] /lebih drpd, ke atas/: ~ a thousand people were present, lebih drpd seribu orang yg hadir; the skirt costs ~ $50.00, harga skirt lebih drpd $50.00; they stayed for ~ an hour, mereka berada di situ lebih drpd sejam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
off | 4. near, /berhampiran, hampir, berdekatan, dekat/ dgn; (when distance is specified) dari: the street is ~ the Merdeka Square, jalan itu berhampiran dgn Dataran Merdeka; an island ~ the coast of Africa, pulau yg berhampiran dgn pantai Afrika; the ship is seven miles ~ Port Klang, kapal itu berlabuh tujuh batu dari Pelabuhan Klang; 5. away from (subject, topic of discussion) dari; (work) bercuti: the speaker kept wandering ~ the subject, penceramah itu sering terkeluar dari tajuk; I plan to take a week ~ work, saya bercadang utk bercuti selama seminggu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
away | ~ from, a. (rel to distance), (jauhnya) dari; (described in terms of time taken to get to place referred to) perjalanan dr: the airport is only five kilometres ~ from my office, lapangan terbang itu hanya lima kilometer dari rumah saya; we are only half an hour ~ from Seremban, rumah kami hanya setengah jam perjalanan dr Seremban; b. (rel to time), [n] lagi dr: the general elections are a year ~ from the time of writing, pilihan raya umum setahun lagi dr waktu rencana ini ditulis; c. (rel to action), (so as to be further from a particular place) meninggalkan: he turned abruptly and walked ~ from our table, dia tiba-tiba berpusing lalu berjalan meninggalkan meja kami; d. absent from, (home) tdk tinggal di [rumah]; (school) tdk /hadir di, ke/ [sekolah]: the children are ~ from home at a boarding school, anak-anak saya tdk tinggal di rumah tetapi tinggal di sekolah berasrama; he’ll be ~ from school for at least three days, dia tdk akan hadir di sekolah sekurang-kurangnya tiga hari; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
above | adv 1. at a higher point, di (sebelah) atas: the branches ~, dahan-dahan di sebelah atas; from ~, dari atas: seen from ~, dilihat dari atas; 2. to a higher point, ke atas; 3. on a higher floor, di atas, di tingkat atas: there are three bedrooms ~, ada tiga buah bilik tidur di atas; 4. to a higher floor, ke atas, ke tingkat atas: a stairway that leads ~, tangga yg menuju ke atas; 5. in the sky, di langit: the moon ~, bulan di langit; 6. (of sky, ceiling, etc), [not translated]: the blue sky ~, langit biru; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |