period | 3. (geol) zaman, usia: the Pleistocene ~, zaman Pleistocene; 4. menstruation, (datang) haid, datang bulan; (attrib) semasa /haid, datang bulan/: ~ cramps, kejang semasa haid; 5. time during which lesson is taught, or allocated for lesson, waktu: five ~s of English a week, lima waktu bagi mata pelajaran Inggeris dlm seminggu; 6. (esp US) full stop, (tanda) /noktah, titik/; 7. (colloq) expression | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
water supply | n bekalan air: during the dry months the ~ is inadequate, dlm bulan-bulan musim kemarau, bekalan air tdk mencukupi; our ~ comes from the river, bekalan air kami datang dr sungai. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
suggest | I ~ that the next meeting be held next month, saya mencadangkan mesyuarat akan datang diadakan pd bulan depan; several books on the subject have been ~ed as suitable texts, beberapa buku ttg perkara itu telah dicadangkan sbg teks yg sesuai; I ~ed him as chairman of the society, saya mencadangkannya sbg pengerusi persatuan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
invade | 2. crowd into, a. (of people) datang beramai-ramai ke; (in great numbers) membanjiri: the first group of prospectors ~d the area as early as last April, kumpulan pencari emas yg pertama datang beramai-ramai ke kawasan itu pd bulan April dahulu lagi; the city was ~d by hordes of tourists, bandar itu dibanjiri beribu-ribu pelancong; b. (of insects, pests), /meremut, penuh/ di: ants had ~d the store, semut meremut di stor; c. (of doubt, worry, etc) dilanda: doubts ~d his mind, fikirannya dilanda rasa sangsi; 3. intrude upon, infringe, mengganggu: he claimed that his privacy had been ~d, dia mendakwa bahawa hak kebersendiriannya telah diganggu; to ~ the rights of the private citizen, mengganggu hak rakyat biasa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
next | adj 1. immediately following in time, a. (from now) i. (ref to particular day, week, month, etc viewed as calendar units) hadapan, yg akan datang; (colloq) depan: ~ year, tahun hadapan; I shall be going on leave ~ month, saya akan bercuti bulan hadapan; with effect from the tenth of April ~, berkuatkuasa dr sepuluh hari bulan April yg akan datang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crucial | adj 1. critical, genting: the ~ moment, saat genting; a ~ period, masa yg genting; 2. (colloq) important, penting: the next few months will be ~ in our efforts towards peace, beberapa bulan yg akan datang adalah penting dlm usaha kita utk mencapai perdamaian; a ~ issue, isu yg penting; 3. decisive, penentu: the ~ game of the tournament, perlawanan penentu dlm pertandingan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
season | the football ~ does not begin until next month, musim bola sepak hanya bermula bulan hadapan; the resort is crowded during the holiday ~, tempat peranginan itu penuh sesak semasa musim percutian; once the Christmas ~ is over..., apabila musim Krismas berlalu...; the dress shops are already ordering supplies for the next ~, kedai-kedai pakaian telah pun membuat pesanan utk musim yg akan datang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
after | adv 1. behind, in pursuit, kemudian, selepasnya, sesudahnya: he went first, his wife came ~, dia pergi dahulu, isterinya datang kemudian; 2. later, kemudian, /selepas, sesudah/ itu: I only heard about it months ~, saya hanya mendengar ttg perkara itu beberapa bulan kemudian; soon ~, tdk lama kemudian; /a, the/ /day, week, etc/ ~, /sehari, seminggu dll/ /selepas itu, sesudah itu, kemudian/, pd /hari, minggu, dll/ berikutnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
due | patut diberikan kpd pegawai atasan; with ~ ceremony, dgn adat istiadat yg selayaknya: he was crowned with ~ ceremony, dia dimahkotai dgn adat istiadat yg selayaknya; 4. payable, perlu dibayar: the rent is ~ tomorrow, sewa perlu dibayar esok; ~ date, tarikh /cukup tempoh, matang/; /fall, become/ ~, perlu /dibayar, dijelaskan/: the payment falls ~ on the first of every month, bayaran perlu dijelaskan pd satu hari bulan setiap bulan; 5. because of, owing to, disebabkan, kerana: the delay was ~ to a technical fault, kelewatan itu disebabkan kerosakan teknik; there was a poor turnout at the match ~ to heavy rain, tdk ramai orang yg datang utk menyaksikan perlawanan itu krn hujan lebat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
service | vt 1. examine and repair (car, machine, etc) menservis: the man has come to ~ the air-conditioner, orang itu telah datang utk menservis alat hawa dingin; 2. pay interest on (loan) membayar faedah atas: for the past few months the company has not been able to ~ its loans, selama beberapa bulan kebelakangan ini syarikat itu gagal membayar faedah atas pinjaman-pinjamannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |