leafage | n daun-daun, dedaun. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
leafage | n daun-daun, dedaun. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pot herb | ndaun-daun perasa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cover | under a ~ of leaves, di bawah litupan daun-daun; 2. table setting, ruang hidang: ~s were laid for six guests, ruang hidang disediakan utk enam orang tamu; 3. envelope, sampul surat: first-day ~, sampul surat hari pertama; 4. insurance, insurans: to obtain adequate ~ on the house, mengambil insurans yg cukup utk rumah itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
elongate | adj long and narrow, panjang tirus: ~ leaves, daun-daun yg panjang tirus; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
strew | vt /bertaburan, berselerak/ di: leaves ~ed the lawn, daun-daun bertaburan di taman itu; toys and books ~ed the floor, anak-anak patung serta buku-buku berselerak di lantai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
leaf | n 1. (of plant) daun: in autumn, the ground is covered with fallen leaves, pd musim gugur, tanah dilitupi daun-daun yg berguguran; a consignment of tobacco leaves, pengiriman daun tembakau; be in ~, berdaun; be in full ~, banyak daunnya; come into ~, mula berdaun; 2. single sheet of paper usu in book, /helaian, lembaran/ (buku): he turned over a ~ and continued reading, dia menyelak lembaran buku itu dan terus membaca; 3. hinged part, a. (of door, shutter) daun (pintu, tingkap); b. (of table) kepak (meja); 4. thin sheet of metal, keracang, kerajang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
leaf | n 1. (of plant) daun: in autumn, the ground is covered with fallen leaves, pd musim gugur, tanah dilitupi daun-daun yg berguguran; a consignment of tobacco leaves, pengiriman daun tembakau; be in ~, berdaun; be in full ~, banyak daunnya; come into ~, mula berdaun; 2. single sheet of paper usu in book, /helaian, lembaran/ (buku): he turned over a ~ and continued reading, dia menyelak lembaran buku itu dan terus membaca; 3. hinged part, a. (of door, shutter) daun (pintu, tingkap); b. (of table) kepak (meja); 4. thin sheet of metal, keracang, kerajang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
shimmer | vi glow, berkilau-kilau(an): wet leaves ~ in the moonlight, daun-daun basah berkilau-kilau dlm cahaya bulan; the tin roofs ~ed in the mid-day heat, bumbung-bumbung zink berkilau-kilauan dlm panas terik tengah hari. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
quiver 1 | vi bergetar: the leaves ~ed in the breeze, daun-daun bergetar ditiup bayu; the bird’s wings ~ed, sayap burung itu bergetar; I was ~ing with fear, badan saya bergetar krn takut; her voice ~ed with emotion, suaranya berget | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |