format | n format: the newspaper appeared in a new ~, akhbar itu diterbitkan dlm format baru; we’ll have to find a different ~ for our debates, kita mesti mencari format lain utk debat-debat kita. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
tilt | ~ at, attack verbally or in writing, mengkritik: he used the debate to ~ at the opposition’s proposals, dia menggunakan debat itu utk mengkritik syor pihak pembangkang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
overheated | adj 1. too hot, /terlampau, terlalu/ panas: an ~ room, bilik yg terlalu panas; the engine is ~, enjin itu terlampau panas; 2. agitated, naik berangsang; (of conversation, argument, etc) hangat: they both became ~ during the discussion, kedua-dua mereka naik berangsang semasa perbincangan itu; an ~ debate, debat yg hangat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
friendly | 4. having favourable attitude, (sedia) menerima; (to a cause) menyokong: a government ~ to overseas investors, kerajaan yg sedia menerima pelabur asing; a group ~ to our cause, kumpulan yg menyokong perjuangan kita; 5. done for pleasure, entertainment, etc, persahabatan; (of argument) sbg sahabat: a ~ match, perlawanan persahabatan; a ~ debate, debat persahabatan; they are only having a ~ argument, mereka berbalah sbg sahabat sahaja. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
speaker | n 1. one who is in the act of speaking, orang yg bercakap; (when making a speech) penceramah; (in debate) pendebat: the voice of the ~ could be plainly heard in the next room, suara orang yg bercakap itu dapat didengar dgn jelasnya di bilik sebelah; he is a good public ~, dia pemidato yg baik; he was the opening ~ in the debate, dia penceramah pertama dlm debat itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |