nose | (right) under o’s ~, depan-depan, di depan mata/ sso: he flirted with his secretary right under his wife’s ~, dia main muda dgn setiausahanya di depan mata isterinya; rub so’s ~ in it, menyebut sst berkali-kali: I know I made a mistake but there’s no need to rub my ~ in it, saya tahu saya sudah berbuat silap tetapi kamu tdk perlu menyebutnya berkali-kali; speak through o’s ~, sengau; see no futher than o’s ~, a. be short-sighted, rabun; b. lack insight, tdk berfikir panjang: he made that decision without seeing further than his ~, dia membuat keputusan itu dgn tdk berfikir panjang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
head-on | adj & adv depan sama depan: a ~ car collision, pelanggaran kereta depan sama depan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
future | n 1. time yet to come, masa /depan, hadapan/: the ~ is uncertain, masa depan itu belum pasti; we look forward to a happy ~, kami menanti masa depan yg bahagia; in ~, pd /masa depan, kemudian hari/, lain kali: the girls were told to behave better in ~, budak-budak itu disuruh berkelakuan lebih baik pd masa depan; in ~ think carefully before you make promises, lain kali fikir baik-baik sebelum kamu membuat janji; 2. prospective condition of a person or thing, masa /depan, hadapan/: a job that has no ~, pekerjaan yg tdk mempunyai masa depan; the ~ of the industry is unbounded, masa depan industri itu tdk terbatas; 3. (gram.) kala depan: put the verb into the ~, jadikan kata kerja itu dlm bentuk kala depan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
front | n 1. fore or forward part, (bahagian) /depan, hadapan/: the dress is pleated in ~, baju itu berlisu di depan; the ~ of the car was badly damaged, bahagian depan kereta itu rosak teruk; the ~ of the house faces south, bahagian depan rumah itu menghadap ke selatan; lie on o’s ~, meniarap; 2. (of book etc) the beginning, bahagian depan: the ~ of this dictionary, bahagian depan kamus ini; 3. position before one, depan, hadapan: the student came to the ~ of the class, pelajar itu datang ke depan kelas; look to the ~, not behind you, pandang ke depan bukan ke belakang; eyes ~, (used in command) pandang /depan, hadapan/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
front | adj 1. of, at or in the front, depan, hadapan: a ~ view of the palace, pandangan depan istana itu; a ~ seat, tempat duduk depan; ~ teeth, gigi depan; 2. (phon) depan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
forefront | n (lit. & fig.) barisan depan: in the ~ of the battle, dlm barisan depan pertempuran; come to the ~, tampil ke /hadapan, depan/: a new set of young politicians is coming to the ~, sekumpulan ahli politik yg muda tampil ke depan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
forehand | adj (in tennis etc) depan: a ~ rally, pukul sangga depan: a ~ stroke, pukulan depan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
future | adj 1. that is yet to come or be, pd masa /depan, hadapan/: our ~ home, rumah kami pd masa depan; his ~ prospects are good, prospeknya pd masa depan adalah baik; 2. destined to become, bakal: ~ president, bakal presiden; my ~ wife, bakal isteri saya; 3. (gram.) depan: ~ tense, kala depan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
to and fro | adj & adv ke depan ke belakang: a ~ movement, gerakan ke depan ke belakang; she bustled ~ setting the table, dia sibuk ke depan ke belakang menyediakan meja makan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
front | in ~ of, a. in a position before, di /depan, hadapan/: a large garden in ~ of the office, sebuah taman besar di depan pejabat; b. in the presence of, di /depan, hadapan/: he swore in ~ of the children, dia menyumpah di depan budak-budak; c. ahead of, terkedepan drpd: he is in ~ of me in mathematics, dia terkedepan drpd saya dlm matematik; put /so., st /in ~ of, (fig.) mendahulukan: he put his career in ~ of everything, dia mendahulukan kerjayanya drpd segala-galanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |