pantheon | n 1. temple for worship of all the gods, /kuil, candi/ dewata; 2. all the gods of a society collectively, dewata, dewa-dewa; 3. shrine memorial to the famous, bangunan peringatan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fable | n 1. story with moral, fabel /dongeng, cerita/ /ibarat, teladan/, cerita tamsilan: the ~ of the hare and the tortoise, dongeng teladan arnab dgn kura-kura; 2. legend, (cerita) dongeng, legenda; (about mythical characters) dongeng dewata: ~s of Greek gods and heroes, dongeng ttg dewa-dewa dan pahlawan-pahlawan Yunani; 3. myths and legends collectively, fabel; 4. false story or account, dongeng, rekaan: to separate fact from ~, memisahkan fakta drpd dongeng; all that story about him is a complete ~, segala cerita mengenainya itu ialah rekaan semata-mata; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |