dialogue | n 1. conversation, perbualan, percakapan, dialog; 2. exchange of views between two parties, dialog: a ~ between the representatives of the two governments, dialog antara wakil kedua-dua kerajaan; 3. (in drama, novel, etc) dialog. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
part | 4. words which an actor learns, dialog: all the actors know their ~ well, semua pelakon tahu dialog masing-masing dgn baik; 5. (person's role in an activity) peranan; (person's involvement in an activity) penglibatan: the organizer hoped everyone would do his ~ to make the show a success, pihak penganjur berharap agar setiap orang menjalankan peranan masing-masing utk menjayakan persembahan itu; Moore was convicted for his ~ in the murder, Moore telah disabitkan krn penglibatannya dlm pembunuhan itu; 6. place in given area, bahagian, tempat: the roads are bad in certain ~s of the country, jalan | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
duologue | n (fml) dialog. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
colloquy | n (fml) conversation, dialogue, perbincangan, dialog. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
snappy | adj 1. snappish, irritable, bengkeng; 2. (colloq) bright, lively, bersemangat: the dialogue is ~ and amusing, dialog itu bersemangat dan menyeronokkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
prompt | he stood in the wings in order to ~ any one who forgot their lines, dia berdiri di sayap pentas utk membantu ingat sesiapa yg terlupa dialog; will you ~ for us at the next performance?, bolehkah kamu membantu ingat kami dlm pertunjukkan yg akan datang?; 4. encourage (so.) to go on speaking, memberikan galakan: “Yes, go on,” ~ed Jane when the old man stopped speaking, “Ya, teruskan”, Jane memberikan galakan apabila orang tua itu berhenti bercakap; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stray | a few ~ grey hairs, beberapa helai uban sahaja; I could only catch a few ~ words of the dialogue, saya hanya dapat menangkap beberapa patah perkataan sahaja drpd dialog itu; he was hit in the shoulder by a ~ bullet, dia cedera di bahu terkena peluru sesat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
line 1 | 18. (colloq) letter, notes, sebaris dua, surat: write me a ~ when you can, tulislah surat kpd saya bila kamu senang; 19. words memorized and spoken by actor, dialog; 20. remark intended for effect, kenyataan penting: he ended with the ~, “at all costs, we must stop this war”, dia menamatkan ucapannya dgn kenyataan penting, “walau apa pun, kita mesti menghentikan peperangan ini”; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
line 1 | 18. (colloq) letter, notes, sebaris dua, surat: write me a ~ when you can, tulislah surat kpd saya bila kamu senang; 19. words memorized and spoken by actor, dialog; 20. remark intended for effect, kenyataan penting: he ended with the ~, “at all costs, we must stop this war”, dia menamatkan ucapannya dgn kenyataan penting, “walau apa pun, kita mesti menghentikan peperangan ini”; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
speak | ~ st from memory, dr ingatan: ~ing from memory I would say the incident took place eight years ago, dr ingatan saya, kejadian itu berlaku lapan tahun yg lalu; at the rehearsal, the actors were told to try ~ing their parts from memory, semasa berlatih, pelakon-pelakon itu diberitahu supaya mengucapkan dialog mereka dr ingatan saja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |