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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

filltears ~ed her eyes, air matanya bergenang, matanya /bergenang, digenangi/ air mata; sorrow ~s so’s heart, /sso, hati sso/ dirundung duka; 3. occupy (time) mengisi: how do you ~ your time these days?, bagaimanakah kamu mengisi waktumu sekarang?; 4. satisfy, memenuhi: we regret that we are unable to ~ your requirements, kami kesal krn tdk dapat memenuhi keperluan tuan; ~ the bill, memenuhi keperluan; 5. a. seal, memalam, menampal: he ~ed the crack with cement, dia memalam rekahan itu dgn simen; b. block (with sand, earth, stones, etc) menimbus, mengambus: the workmen ~ed the gaping hole with rocks, pekerja-pekerja itu mengambus lubang yg menganga itu dgn batu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bedimmedadj menjadi kabur, dikaburi: a mind ~ with sorrow, fikiran yg dikaburi kesedihan; her eyes ~ with tears, matanya menjadi kabur krn digenangi air mata.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fill~ with, see vi; so’s eyes ~ with tears, (of eyes) air matanya bergenang, [matanya] /bergenang, digenangi/ air mata; ~ os with st, makan sst banyak-banyak; ~ so. with st, (act.) membuat sso (berasa) + approp adj; (pass.) sso (berasa) + adj, [not translated]: the news ~ed him with sorrow, berita itu membuat dia berasa sedih; I was ~ed with admiration for his courage, saya kagum dgn ketabahannya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
woebegoneadj sugul; (of eyes) sedih: “Don’t look so ~. There’s still a chance”, “Jangan nampak sugul sangat. Masih ada peluang lagi”; her tearful ~ eyes, matanya yg sedih digenangi air mata.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
swim 2. a. be overflowing with, menggenangi; (tears) menggenangi, bergenang: her eyes swam with tears, air matanya bergenang; the decks of the ship were ~ming with water, geladak-geladak kapal itu digenangi air;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
glistenvi (shine from or as if from wetness) berkilat; (sparkle, gleam by reflecting light) berkilau-kilau: the wet road ~ed under the street lights, jalan yg basah itu berkilat disinari lampu jalan; his body ~ed with sweat, badannya berkilat dgn peluh; she brushed her hair till it ~ed, dia memberus rambutnya sehingga berkilat; dew drops ~ing on the leaves, titik-titik embun yg berkilau-kilau di atas daun; her eyes ~ed with tears, matanya berkilau-kilau digenangi air mata.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
cloudvi 1. also ~ over, become overcast, a. menjadi mendung: the sky ~ed over, langit menjadi mendung; b. (fig.), (menjadi) keruh: his face ~ed with anger, mukanya keruh krn marah; 2. also ~ over, become misty, menjadi kabur: the windows have ~d over due to the steam, tingkap-tingkap menjadi kabur disebabkan wap; her eyes ~ with tears, matanya menjadi kabur digenangi air mata;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
afloatadj & adv 1. floating, terapung(-apung): there was something ~ in the middle of the lake, ada sst yg terapung-apung di tasik itu; the balloon was ~ all afternoon, belon itu terapung-apung sepanjang petang; 2. at sea, di laut: he spent many years ~, bertahun-tahun dia di laut; life ~, kehidupan seorang pelaut; 3. flooded, /digenangi, dibanjiri/ air: the decks were ~ after the storm, geladak itu digenangi air selepas ribut; 4. adrift, (fig.) terapung-apung: to be ~ in a sea of indecision, terapung-apung krn tdk dapat membuat keputusan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
big2. important in influence, standing, wealth, besar: a ~ businessman in the city, ahli perniagaan besar di kota itu; 3. of great significance, besar: the ~ issue of the day, isu besar pd masa itu; a ~ problem, masalah besar; 4. momentous, outstanding, penting: this is the ~ moment of your life, saat penting dlm hidupmu; 5. filled, brimming, a. (with tears) digenangi, dilinangi: eyes ~ with tears, mata yg digenangi air mata; b. (with sadness) dirundung: a heart ~ with sadness, hati yg dirundung kesedihan; 6.(of voice) besar;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
mistyadj 1. full of, hidden by mist, berkabus: a morning, pagi yg berkabus; 2. covered with tiny drops of water, berkabut: a ~ mirror, cermin yg berkabut; 3. (of eyes), /digenangi, dikaburi/ air maKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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